Apprenticeship Partners
Apprenticeship Colorado partners with workforce, business, education, nonprofit, and more to promote and support Registered Apprenticeship Programs across the state.

Workforce Partners
Find out more about how Apprenticeship Colorado partners with the workforce system to support registered apprenticeship across the state. Access resources for Business and Career Services Representatives as well.

Qualified Apprenticeship Intermediaries
Qualified Apprenticeship Intermediaries are organizations operating in Colorado that play a crucial role in expanding or enhancing our state’s Registered Apprenticeship System through their support of career seekers, apprentices, employers, and/or Sponsors. Apprenticeship Colorado is recognizing Qualified Apprenticeship Intermediaries for their contributions to our dynamic Registered Apprenticeship system as a strategy to accelerate the growth of high-quality job opportunities in the state and to attract new talent to in-demand occupations.
Visit the Qualified Apprenticeship Intermediaries Page

EEO Partners
The apprenticeship Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) regulations require Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsors to ensure that their outreach to, and recruitment of, apprentices extend to all persons available for apprenticeship within their relevant recruitment area without regard to race, sex, ethnicity, or disability. Partner organizations interested in supporting Sponsors with their recruitment efforts can learn more by visiting our EEO Partners page.

School Districts
Colorado school districts can engage with Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) in several valuable ways and serve in one or multiple roles in a RAP. Many districts also strategically partner with programs to connect their students to opportunities by building relationships with established RAP program, creating pathways for students to enter apprenticeships, and collaborating with local workforce initiatives.
Visit the School Districts Page