Press Release: State of Colorado Informational Career Open House Highlights Openings at 18 State Agencies

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(DENVER) –  The Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA), in partnership with the Department of Labor & Employment (CDLE), is hosting a statewide informational career open house virtually on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, to help fill open positions in 18 State agencies. 

“Events like this are an incredible opportunity for job seekers to gain insight into the excellent opportunities available in the public sector.” said State Personnel Director Tony Gherardini. “Colorado's job seekers bring a variety of skills, knowledge, and experience the State is actively seeking to add to its workforce. In partnership with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, we encourage anyone interested in contributing to something bigger than themselves, and working in a dynamic, and rewarding sector to seek employment with the State of Colorado.”

WHAT: Attendees will meet virtually face-to-face with representatives from the participating agencies in one online space. State of Colorado recruiters will be on hand to explain the various roles in their agency, explain minimum qualifications, provide valuable tips on how to apply, and more.

Arapahoe Community College
Colorado Community College System
Colorado Judicial Branch
Department of Agriculture
Department of Corrections
Department of Health Care Policy & Financing
Department of Human Services
Department of Labor & Employment
Department of Local Affairs
Department of Personnel & Administration
Department of Public Health & Environment
Department of Public Safety
Department of Revenue 
Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury 
Governor’s Office of Information Technology
Office of Economic Development & International Trade
Office of the State Auditor
WHEN: Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

WHERE: Register as “An Attendee” on Premier Virtual

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