Program Models

Program Models

CDLE’s Teacher Externship Program leverages Colorado’s Work Based Learning Continuum to provide structured experiences ranging from business or industry tours to immersive externships. In sync with the Community Assessment included with the continuum, our program goes beyond individual development, fostering a collaborative environment that engages local businesses, educators, and students. By connecting the dots between education and industry needs, we contribute to the overall prosperity and growth of communities throughout Colorado. 


CDLE offers and supports the following types of externship models:

Industry Tours 

Duration/Timing: 1-5 days; flexible tours or job shadows based on capacity, needs, and interest; summer only or during the school year

Description: Teacher visits one or more businesses within a specific industry for broad exposure and informational interviews, but no direct project work

Benefit: Broad exposure to industry, minimal cost and time commitment, relationship-building and workforce pipeline development

Cost: Variable, depending on scope of opportunity. Estimated range: $0 to $1,500 for teacher stipend

Customized Experiences

Duration/Timing: 1-3 weeks; flexible based on capacity, needs, and interest; summer only or during the school year

Description: Co-creation and design of projects focused on specific problems of practice and direct participation in business functions

Benefit: Opportunities can be customized to fit specific needs/goals, relationship-building and workforce pipeline development

Cost: Variable, depending on scope of opportunity. Estimated range: $1,000 to $5,000 for teacher stipend

Full Immersion 

Duration/Timing: 4-6 weeks during the summer plus course requirements and classroom implementation time

Description: Full immersion in business function with curricular objectives tied to specific outcomes and expectations

Benefit: Extensive learning, industry-recognized credentialing, graduate university and/or salary credits; relationship-building and workforce pipeline development

Cost: Approximately $5,000 to 10,000 for all program components

Additional Programs

In addition to offering its own, state-level Teacher Externship Program, CDLE also supports other, independently operated programs in Colorado by providing connections to business partners and sharing resources.

Other Colorado programs include:

If you would like to see your program featured in this list, please contact Kelly Reeser at kelly.reeser@state.co.us