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Contact Customer Service
Division of Workers' Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
1-888-390-7936 (Toll-Free)
Email customer service at
Division of Workers' Compensation Email Addresses & Web Pages
Need to File Documents?
Please send the following to
- General Admissions (WC 2)
- Final Admissions (WC 4)
- Petitions to Modify, Terminate, or Suspend (WC 54)
- Request for Lump Sum Payment (WC 62)
- *Motions to Close (WC 192) will be accepted only if you are able to provide email addresses for all parties, including the claimant, regardless of representation.*
The email should include:
- Only one document
- For example, FA with attachments, GA with Support for Return to Work
- Do not attach multiple attachments
- The subject line should include in this order:
- WC#, Claimant first and last name, the type of document (FA, GA, Petition, Req for LS, MTC)
- The Certificate of Service will be the date it was emailed to the Division of Workers' Compensation
We will not be requiring a hard copy to be submitted once you have access to regular mail, as previously instructed.
Please send the following to
- Entry of Appearances (WC 6)
- Worker's Claim for Compensation (WC 15)
- Objections (WC 4 and WC 54)
- Address changes (Claimant and Attorney)
To avoid delays and penalties, it's crucial to submit your filings to the correct place.
Have a Complaint?
Please email
Reporting Fraud?
If you're seeking to report workers' compensation fraud, please visit our Fraud Investigations page.