Give us your feedback

Division of Unemployment Insurance
Assisting people who have lost their jobs (through no fault of their own) by providing temporary wage replacement through the Unemployment Insurance program.

Division of Labor
Assisting workers who have not been paid or have been subjected to unfair labor practices and overseeing the fair practice of wages and hours by assisting employers in understanding their rights and responsibilities.

Rate Division of Labor


Division of Oil & Public Safety
Protecting the public and the environment by overseeing the use of explosives, inspection of gas pumps for accuracy and safety, ensuring that boilers are operating properly, that leaking petroleum storage tanks are addressed quickly and efficiently and that conveyances such as elevators and escalators are operating safely.

Rate Division of Oil & Public Safety

Division of Workers' Compensation
Assisting workers who have been injured on the job

Rate Division of Worker' Compensation


Labor Market Information

Providing an up-to-date and accurate picture of the economy that helps in decision making.

Rate Labor Market Information


Rural Workforce Consortium
Connecting job seekers with great jobs in our rural Colorado areas.

Workforce Development Council
Creating and sustaining a business-led Colorado talent system that appropriately integrates the work of economic development, education, training and workforce development to meet the needs of businesses, students and job-seekers.

Workforce Development Programs
Administering workforce training programs and grants.