Important Information & Updates
Quarter 3 Wage Detail Reports Dues October 31, 2024
Quarterly wage detail reports for July, August and September 2024 are due Thursday, October 31. We have resources to help employers file a wage report, and submit premium payments inside MyUI Employer+.
Things to remember at the filing deadline
- Quarterly wage detail reports must be submitted inside MyUI Employer+. Only employers with a valid non-electronic communications waiver may submit paper wage reports by mail.
- Paper check payments must include a payment voucher to ensure timely processing.
Submitting accurate wage detail reports
Wage detail information is crucial in maintaining the integrity of UI benefit payments and labor statistics, as well as the accurate calculation of your premium rates. Please ensure the accuracy of all information and address all errors in your wage detail reports prior to submitting. Employers submitting reports with errors and inaccurate or missing wage information may be subject to penalties and interest charges.
Responding to Benefits Correspondences Electronically
The Division recommends all CO employers send and receive UI benefits correspondence electronically to ensure timely processing, avoid loss of protest determinations, and other penalties. Paper correspondence often take longer to process when sent in the mail.
Employers can send and receive all UI correspondences, including wage detail requests, fact-finding requests, and other correspondence electronically in their MyUI Employer+ account.
Please add or update your email address in your MyUI Employer+ account to update your correspondence preferences:
- Login to MyUI Employer+
- Click "Account Maintenance" in the left menu.
- Click "Address Information"
- Click "Correspondence Preferences"
- Enter/update your email address
- Click "Save"
New Features in MyUI Employer+
Check out the latest system features and updates available to all MyUI Employer+ users:
Personal Information Protection
- When a social security number (SSN) record is removed via a wage adjustment it will no longer be viewable in related screens. Removed SSNs are hidden to protect personal identifying information. Users now see "Removed" added to the "Submission Type" column, and the Event Log indicates the record was "Removed" instead of "Adjusted".
What’s New for TPAs
Outstanding and Missing Employer Wage Reports Search
TPAs can search for employer client accounts that have outstanding wage reports by searching by the year and/or quarter.
Bulk Wage Report Uploads
MyUI Employer+ now either populates regular and bulk zero wage files immediately (fewer than 1000 records), or queues the file to be processed in the daily batch (more than 1000 records).
MyUI Employer+ Online Portal
Employers and TPAs are no longer required to file separate premium and wage reports with their premium payments. Instead, premiums are calculated automatically in MyUI Employer+ based on the employer’s submitted wages.
MyUI Employer+ users can:
Pay electronically with EFT payment options
Pay voluntary premium payments, leasing company certification fees, and reimbursable employer securities electronically.
Search and view employer payment history.
Save banking information in the employer account for streamlined future payments.
Employers and TPAs can submit wage detail reports with multiple file upload options. Wage reports automatically trigger updates to qualification information on the employer account (if applicable).
MyUI Employer+ users can:
Submit delimited, ICESA, ESW2, XML, and zero (delimited) wage file formats.
Copy and submit wage detail information from the previous quarter.
Adjust submitted wage reports electronically.
Search and view previous wage reports.
Assign multiple contact to receive automatic correspondence and reminders.
Users can view and maintain the employer’s UI account information inside MyUI Employer+. The Employer Inbox sends automated messages, reminders, and other correspondences based on recent events and triggers in the account. There are multiple search option to find different pieces of information (documents, reports, benefits charges, etc.).
MyUI Employer+ users can:
Manage employer accounts with less reliance on UI staff.
View and initiate information changes on the Employer Home page.
Send and receive electronic correspondences instead of paper forms.
A valid non-electronic communications waiver is required to submit paper forms.
Respond to UI Division requests more timely online.
Search and view employer account information in one system.
MyUI Employer+ offers a new way to request help from UI staff. The built-in “Contact Us” feature allows account mangers to send inquires directly to the appropriate UI Staff.
MyUI Employer+ users can:
Upload documentation to UI staff.
Submit urgent customer service requests.
Employer users can add and manage TPA and payroll service provider relationships inside MyUI Employer+. TPAs must register for a TPA account in MyUI Employer+ and be assigned to an employer account in order to conduct business on behalf of the employer.
More on Employer/TPA relationships:
Form UTIL-18 (Power of Attorney) are no longer accepted to establish employer/TPA relationships.
Employers and TPAs must manage separate account, with separate login credentials, to ensure account ownership integrity.
TPAs and payroll service providers can be assigned any combination of roles to manage an employer account.
TPAs can use the same self-service features employers use to manage client accounts. MyUI Employer+ also offers additional features for TPA account managers to make servicing multiple client accounts more efficient.
TPAs can:
Manage all employer client accounts from one TPA account, and assign multiple TPA account managers.
Submit bulk payments and wage files for multiple clients at once electronically.
View, search, respond to correspondences on behalf of their clients electronically.
Access, mange, view client charges, protests, and more inside individual employer accounts.
Your Feedback Matters!
Your feedback will help us create the best MyUI Employer+ experience possible. The Unemployment Insurance Division is available to assist users with suggestions and issues encountered in the new system. Submit your feedback or request assistance using our request form.
Fraud Reporting for Employers
Claims filed using stolen identities is a nationwide problem. If you receive a fact-finding questionnaire requesting information about an identified employee that still works for you, please visit our fraud page for next steps.