How Externships Work
Feeding the Workforce Pipeline into High-Growth, High-Demand Colorado Industries.
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How Externships Work

Teacher Externship Program

K-12 Teacher Externships for STEM Occupations

About the Program

Envisioned in the spirit of innovation, equity, and authentic collaboration, Colorado House Bill 23-1198 is the cornerstone for a statewide K-12 Teacher Externship Program focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math-focused (STEM) occupations. This visionary initiative, driven by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), is a state-led commitment to bridge the gap between education and industry and will be a catalyst for diverse and inclusive workforce development efforts in high-growth, high-demand STEM fields. 

We are actively seeking business hosts and teacher participants for externships in 2025. The level of interest from businesses and teachers helps shape this program, and each externship can be customized to meet the specific needs of our partners. For more information and to apply, please follow the links provided on this page. 


What is an Externship?

Externships are work-based learning opportunities that allow teachers to spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks working onsite at a Colorado business to gain exposure to work environments in career sectors that their students may pursue. These experiences provide teachers with a deeper understanding of industry practices, empowering them to deliver more relevant content to students to better prepare them for the workforce.  

CDLE's program connects K-12 teachers with STEM-focused employers offering hands-on, immersive learning opportunities. Businesses identify a specific project or problem as the externship focus, then select a highly skilled teacher(s) to work in that area. The program is available to any Colorado-based STEM-focused business and all Colorado K-12 public school teachers.

Access a current list of Confirmed Business Hosts for 2025. Recruitment is ongoing; new business hosts will be added as soon as they are confirmed. For questions about the program, please contact Kelly Reeser, Teacher Externship Grant Coordinator, at or 720-576-3480.

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