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REMINDER: Carriers, TPAs, & Self-Insured Businesses, please refrain from submitting duplicate admissions in response to a request for a position statement. Please call customer service at 303-318-8700 to see if it has been received before resubmitting. If responding to an error letter, please remember to update the certificate of mailing date pursuant to Rule 1-4(B). Any document that is certified as mailed, including admissions, must be placed in the U.S. mail or delivered on the date of certification. Documents may not be filed via e-mail unless specifically permitted by the division. Duplicate submissions can also result from the vendor sending the admission twice: first through an automated portal and then through a follow-up email.

Statute, Rules, and Guidance

Online Filing and EDI

When a worker is injured or has an occupational disease that results in more than three days/shifts of lost time, permanent impairment, or death, the insurance carrier must file a First Report of Injury.  All first reports of injury and notice of contests must be filed electronically either through a vendor, Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), or DOWC website. For EDI updates on the web, please visit our vendor, Verisk's EDI information page(opens in new window). There, you will find numerous resources, including FAQs and contact information. You may also view the DOWC's Online Filing of First Reports page for more EDI information.

Benefits Calculator

The multi-function Benefits Calculator(opens in new window) can assist you through common workers’ compensation calculations, including lifetime present value, interest, and lump sum requests. 

Desk Aids for Adjusting Claims

Desk Aids have been created to assist claims adjusters to ensure they comply with all statute and rule requirements when admitting and paying benefits. These documents are updated as needed to stay current with statutes and rules. Adjusters are free to download a copy of the desk aids from the Workers' Compensation Desk Aids page for repeated use and guidance each time they adjust compensation benefits. View the new Admissions Checklist Desk Aid.

Surcharge Collection

Surcharge is a levy on workers' compensation premiums paid by insurers who underwrite workers' compensation insurance coverage in Colorado and employers who are authorized to self-insure. The bi-annual collected surcharge funds are used by the Division of Workers' Compensation to offset the costs of administering the system. View the Surcharge Collection page for more information

Medical Utilization Review 

This peer review program is designed to evaluate a healthcare provider's treatment of an injured worker. Any insurer, self-insured employer, or claimant may request a Medical Utilization Review.

Medical Fee Schedule

Rule 18 sets the maximum fees and associated payment policies for services provided in connection with the treatment of an injured worker. Each year, stakeholders are afforded the opportunity to provide input in the Medical Fee Schedules process.

Medical Treatment Guidelines

Medical Treatment Guidelines develops critical practice guidelines based on the most up-to-date evidence. Our nine guidelines address occupational injuries that frequently occur in the Colorado workers’ compensation system and that are expensive to treat.

Mandatory Insurer Reporting

Workers’ compensation insurers, including self-insured employers, in Colorado are required to record and submit data annually regarding medical-only claims, change of physician requests, and claimant satisfaction survey results. As part of an effort to improve this process, the DOWC is inviting stakeholders to sign-up for communication on annual insurer reporting(opens in new window). Anyone who finds this information relevant should subscribe. You will only receive a few emails each year.

Filing Instructions and Additional Resources

The Claims Unit is requesting that the WC2, WC4, WC54, WC62, and WC192 be submitted to cdle_dowc_filings@state.co.us. Refer to the list below for more information about the forms to include: 

  • General Admissions (WC 2)
  • Final Admissions (WC 4)
  • Petitions to Modify, Terminate, or Suspend (WC 54)
  • Request for Lump Sum Payment (WC 62)
  • *Motions to Close (WC 192) will be accepted only if you are able to provide email addresses for all parties, including the claimant, regardless of representation.*

The email should include:

  • Only one document
    • For example, FA with attachments, GA with Support for Return to Work
    • Do not attach multiple attachments
  • The subject line should include in this order:
    • WC#, Claimant first and last name, the type of document (FA, GA, Petition, Req for LS, MTC)
  • The Certificate of Service will be the date it was emailed to the Division of Workers' Compensation

We will not be requiring a hard copy to be submitted once you have access to regular mail, as previously instructed

Please send the WC6, WC15, WC 4, WC54, and address changes of claimant and attorney to cdle_workers_compensation@state.co.us(opens in new window). Refer to the list below for further information about the forms to include: 

  • Entry of Appearances (WC 6)
  • Worker's Claim for Compensation (WC 15)
  • Objections (WC 4 and WC 54)
  • Address changes (Claimant and Attorney)

Contact Us

Division of Workers' Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
1-888-390-7936 (Toll-Free)

Have a complaint? Please email complaints to cdle_wc_complaints@state.co.us.