
An attorney referencing text and writing notes with a scale of justice atop their desk.

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Prehearing and Settlement Conferences

Docket Availability

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. MT. Availability is first-come, first-served. For direct assistance with scheduling a conference, please call 303-318-8600.

Prehearing and settlement conferences may also be scheduled by electronic form, or by emailing the Prehearing and Settlement Conference Unit. The scheduling of a conference is not final until the parties receive a notice and confirmation from the Prehearing and Settlement Conference Unit. Please be aware that the unit will only schedule a conference upon receipt of all necessary information.  

Prehearing Conference Docket Availability - numbers equal ½ hour slots available.

Request a Prehearing and Settlement Conference


Statute, Rules, and Guidance

Case Law Update

Learn more about legal issues in workers' compensation with real-life cases discussed by Division of Workers' Compensation Prehearing Administrative Law Judges. Recordings of these monthly updates are made available on our website. View the Case Law Update webpage

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Benefits Calculator

This multi-function calculator can assist you through common workers’ compensation calculations, including lifetime present value, interest, and lump sum requests. 

The Difference Between the DOWC and the OAC

The Division of Workers' Compensation (DOWC) and Office of Administrative Courts (OAC) are separate divisions of state government. OAC conducts administrative hearings for several state agencies, including the DOWC. The DOWC’s Prehearing and Settlement Conference Unit (PHU) works in conjunction with the OAC to resolve preliminary matters such as extensions of time and discovery issues before the OAC hearings. The PHU does not make findings of fact, though some of the judges conduct arbitrations. PHU orders may be appealed at the OAC. Orders from the OAC or DOWC Director may be appealed at the Industrial Claim Appeals Office (ICAO).

Important Resources

Contact Us

Division of Workers' Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
1-888-390-7936 (Toll-Free)

Have a complaint? Please email complaints to cdle_wc_complaints@state.co.us or fill out the Tip and Lead form