Press Release: 2022 Colorado Apprenticeship Awards Nominations Open

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For Immediate Release | September 13, 2022

DENVER — The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Office of the Future of Work (OFOW), and its partners have opened nominations for the 2022 Colorado Apprenticeship Awards. Nominations are being accepted for apprentice, mentor, employer, program, partner, or champion via the online nomination form until 11:59 p.m. MST on Friday, September 30th. Both self-nominations and nominations of others are welcomed. Nominations from all industries, backgrounds, and areas of the state are encouraged.

The 2022 Apprenticeship Awards will take place on November 16th, during Colorado Apprenticeship Month, recognizing the critical role apprenticeships play in strengthening Colorado’s workforce development pipeline and economy. Colorado Apprenticeship Month raises awareness of the benefits of apprenticeship programs to both employers and workers and celebrates apprenticeship ambassadors across the state.

Apprenticeship Month comes after the signing of HB21-1007 which created a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in CDLE. The agency, housed in CDLE’s Office of Future of Work (OFOW) will serve as the primary point of contact with the United States Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship; accelerate the adoption, promotion, and development of apprenticeship programs; provide support; and be responsible for programs’ compliance with state and federal laws and standards.

“We believe apprenticeships are the future of work. Work-based learning models build a culture of lifelong learning, allow people to apply skills learned in the classroom to the real world, and create access to quality employment while building the talent businesses need,” said Katherine Keegan, director of the OFOW. “We are excited to honor those leading the way in apprenticeship in Colorado at this year’s awards.”

For more on Apprenticeship Month events and resources, including a calendar of events, visit CDLE’s Apprenticeship page and follow CDLE on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Employers interested in creating and registering an apprenticeship program are encouraged to reach out to the Apprenticeship Team, who can provide no-cost information and guidance.
