Press Release: CDLE Celebrates Apprenticeship Month by Recognizing Apprentices, Employers, and Mentors throughout November

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For Immediate Release | November 1, 2022

(DENVER) – During the entire month of November, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), Office of the Future of Work (OFOW), and its partners across the state celebrate Colorado Apprenticeship Month, which raises awareness of the benefits of registered apprenticeship programs to both employers and workers throughout the state. The month-long celebration brings together business leaders, jobseekers, community partners, education institutions, and other partners to highlight registered apprenticeships and accelerate the adoption of the high-quality training model and talent development strategy.

“Apprenticeships are essential to the evolution of Colorado’s future workforce and will enhance the State’s competitive edge by empowering our businesses–and our people–with the talent and skills our economy needs to thrive and innovate,” said Joe Barela, executive director of CDLE. “Apprenticeships can be a stepping stone to a higher wage, a promotion or a credential. They not only benefit the participants, but equip businesses with a more engaged, more committed workforce in today’s increasingly tight labor market.”

Apprenticeship Month comes after the signing of HB21-1007which creates a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in CDLE, housed in the Office of Future of Work (OFOW).  The SAA  will serve as the primary point of contact with the United States Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship; accelerate the adoption, promotion, and development of registered apprenticeship programs; provide support; and be responsible for programs’ compliance with state and federal laws and standards. 

“Apprenticeships are a critical tool to prepare Colorado’s workers and businesses for the future of work, and we are excited to celebrate this powerful model throughout the month of November especially as we prepare to launch our State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) next July,” said Katherine Keegan, director of the OFOW. 

During Apprenticeship Month, CDLE will be highlighting resources, content, and events designed to increase awareness of the benefits of creating, registering, and expanding registered apprenticeship programs on the Apprenticeship website.

The month’s themes will emphasize different aspects of registered apprenticeships:

  • What is Registered Apprenticeship and How Does it Benefit You?
  • Mythbusting Registered Apprenticeship
  • How to Get Involved in Registered Apprenticeship
  • Employer and Apprentice Spotlights

Apprenticeship Month Highlights:

Accelerate Apprenticeship Grant
Coming soon! Accelerate Apprenticeship Grants launch on November 18 to encourage employers to adopt registered apprenticeship in Colorado. The Office of the Future of Work will be hosting a virtual informational session on November 15, 2022 at 1 p.m. MT.

That’s a RAP! Registered Apprenticeship Training Series
This weekly e-newsletter and virtual informational session focuses on registered apprenticeships. Held weekly every Thursday from 1 - 2 p.m. throughout the year.

Apprenticeship Awards: November 16, 2022 at 6 p.m.
Join CDLE, OFOW, CDHE, Careerwise Colorado, and its partners on November 16 for the fifth annual Colorado Apprenticeship Awards Ceremony at 6 p.m. on November 16 to honor apprentices, mentors, employers, programs, and the partners and champions who unite them. Questions? Please contact

Embedding Equity in Your Registered Apprenticeship: November 16, 2022 12 - 1 p.m.
Attend this virtual event during National Apprenticeship Week featuring JFF experts, a Registered Apprenticeship employer, a community partner, and an apprentice to learn: how to implement practices outlined in the framework, how partnerships can provide the support and expertise to help you, and how these changes ultimately impact the apprentice experience.

For more on Apprenticeship Month events and resources, including a calendar of events, visit CDLE’s Apprenticeship page and follow CDLE on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Employers interested in creating and registering an apprenticeship program are encouraged to reach out to the Apprenticeship Team, who can provide no-cost information and guidance on program development.


Resources Mentioned:

Accelerate Apprenticeship Grants Informational Session
That’s a RAP! Registered Apprenticeship Training Series
Apprenticeship Awards
Embedding Equity in Your Registered Apprenticeship


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