Media Advisory: Division of Oil and Public Safety Releases Report of Findings on September 5th Fatality at Glenwood Caverns Amusement Park

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For Immediate Release | September 24, 2021

(DENVER) - Today the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s Division of Oil and Public Safety released the final report of findings on the fatality at the Haunted Mine Drop amusement ride at the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. On September 5th, 6-year old Wongel Estifanos fell to her death on the Haunted Mine Drop ride.

The final report can be found here and a video of the findings can be found here.

A summary is below:

  • This investigation was able to conclusively identify the factors that caused the accident. The fatal accident was the result of multiple operator errors; specifically: 
    • Failure to ensure proper utilization of the passenger restraint system or seatbelts, and
    • A lack of understanding and resolution of the alarm conditions on the control panel. 
  • This investigation identified violations of the Colorado Amusement Rides and Devices Regulations, and enforcement will be pursued.
  • Under Title 8 Article 20 Section 104 Colorado Revised Statutes and 7 Colorado Code of Regulations 1101-12 Section 6, the Division may assess fines and penalties of up to $1,000 per violation for each day of violation that results in serious bodily injury.
  • The enforcement document will be issued in the coming weeks.

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