Press Release: Apprenticeship Colorado Looking for School Districts to Host Apprenticeship Outreach Specialists in New Pilot Program

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(DENVER) – Apprenticeship Colorado at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) is pleased to announce a new pilot program that will help connect graduating high school students to registered apprenticeship. The agency is asking school districts in Colorado to complete a survey to indicate their interest in  hosting an Apprenticeship Outreach Specialist in 2024-2025.

Under HB23-1212, Apprenticeship Colorado is implementing a pilot program with two full-time Outreach Specialists each assigned to a different school district to create student onramps to apprenticeship opportunities and engage with local employers. 

“This pilot program will help us bridge the gap between post-secondary education and tangible careers through registered apprenticeships,” says Office of the Future of Work Director, Katherine Keegan. “It's not just about education; it's about empowerment. Through hands-on experiences and mentorship, students can discover their true potential and embark on pathways that lead to meaningful, rewarding careers. This initiative will help the state foster a generation of skilled professionals ready to make their mark on the world.” 

Apprenticeship Colorado will select one urban and one rural school district that will participate in the pilot program and is currently administering the survey to gauge school district interest in participation. Selected school districts receive a paid-for, full-time staff member to connect students to the high-quality career paths offered through apprenticeship and customized technical assistance from Apprenticeship Colorado. 

All school districts in Colorado interested in having an Outreach Specialist through this pilot program should complete this survey no later than September 6, 2023

Apprenticeship Colorado has recently been recognized by the US Department of Labor (USDOL) Office of Apprenticeship to register and oversee apprenticeship programs in Colorado, effective July 1, 2023.   To learn more about Apprenticeship Colorado within the Office of the Future of Work under CDLE, please visit


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