Press Release: CDLE to Highlight Benefits of Apprenticeships to Employers and Workers During Apprenticeship Month

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For Immediate Release | November 2, 2021

In recognition of the critical role apprenticeships play in strengthening Colorado’s workforce development pipeline and economy, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) will spend November celebrating Colorado Apprenticeship Month, which raises awareness of the benefits of apprenticeship programs to both employers and workers.

“Apprenticeships will be key to Colorado’s economic recovery,” said Joe Barela, executive director of CDLE. “These programs not only help employers find the talent they need to grow in a tight labor market, they also provide workers with opportunities to gain in-demand skills while earning a paycheck. Apprenticeships help us create a more equitable economy in which all workers can advance their careers.”

Apprenticeship Month comes after the recent signing of HB21-1007 which creates a State Apprenticeship Agency (SAA) in CDLE. The agency, housed in CDLE’s Office of Future of Work (OFOW) will serve as the primary point of contact with the United States Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship; accelerate the adoption, promotion, and development of apprenticeship programs; provide support; and be responsible for programs’ compliance with state and federal laws and standards. The director of the SAA will establish a State Apprenticeship Council (SAC) and Interagency Advisory Committee (IAC) to advance the work.

“Today and tomorrow’s economy require us all to become lifelong learners as automation, artificial intelligence, globalization, and digitalization continue to transform the way we work,” said Katherine Keegan, director of the OFOW. “Apprenticeships are a powerful model that connects people to quality training and jobs and help them prepare for the future of work and allows businesses to get the talent they need.”

During Apprenticeship Month, CDLE will be highlighting resources, trainings, and events designed to increase awareness of the benefits of creating, registering, and increasing participation in apprenticeship programs.