Press Release: During Workforce Development Month, CDLE Highlights No-Cost Workforce Services for Workers and Employers

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In celebration of Workforce Development Month, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) has chosen the week of September 7th to highlight the many no-cost services its 52 Workforce Centers provide workers and employers.

“The pandemic’s effects on our economy and workforce have shown how critical workforce development is to the state’s prosperity,” said Joe Barela, Executive Director of CDLE. “As our economy continues to recover, we want Colorado’s workers and employers to know that we’re here to help build back better. The expert staff at our Workforce Centers have connected countless Coloradans to training, educational, and employment opportunities and have helped businesses statewide grow with the right talent.” 

Workforce Centers’ staff are deeply familiar with their local workforce needs and can connect workers to high-quality jobs as well as educational and training opportunities, including apprenticeships. They also help clients improve their resume-writing, interviewing, and digital skills, necessities in an economy continuously transformed by automation, artificial intelligence, and globalization. Their ability to tailor their career counseling services to clients’ unique needs also means that people of all backgrounds can benefit, including people with disabilities, people involved in the justice system, veterans, older workers, migrant and seasonal farmworkers, youth, and others.

Services offered to employers include assistance in recruiting and hiring; matching job seeker experience with job requirements and skills; arranging job fairs; assisting with job restructuring; helping employers deal with layoffs; and providing education about tax credits and training reimbursements.

During “Workforce Services” week, CDLE will be highlighting upcoming trainings, events, and resources to help both employers and workers remain competitive and advance their careers. Upcoming events are listed below. To keep up with CDLE, workers, employers, and others can follow the agency on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. To find your local Workforce Center, visit CDLE’s website.

Information about the month and the themed weeks, including upcoming trainings and events, as well as resources for both job seekers and employers, can be found on the Workforce Development Month website.

Upcoming events include:

For a comprehensive list, please visit CDLE’s website.

The themes for the upcoming weeks are:

September 13-17: Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships benefit both employers and workers: employers get the skilled talent they need to succeed, while workers have the opportunity to upskill or reskill while earning a paycheck. This week, CDLE will be outlining apprenticeship resources for employers as well as workers.

September 20-24: The Future of Work
As the world of work continues to undergo massive changes due to artificial intelligence, automation, globalization, and other factors, workers, employers, and communities are contemplating how to ensure their future prosperity. This week, CDLE’s Office of the Future of Work will be exploring trends, data, and more.

September 27-30: Advancing Colorado’s Economic Recovery
The pandemic has been difficult for Coloradans and the Workforce System remains committed to the Colorado Comeback, addressing economic recovery efforts in ways that cut through red tape and take a local approach to building stronger communities. This week, CDLE will highlight how workers and employers can build back better.