Press Release: The Colorado Office of New Americans and Migration Policy Institute Release Groundbreaking Language Access Report

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For Immediate Release 

Date: December 16, 2024


DENVER — The Migration Policy Institute (MPI), in partnership with Colorado Office of New Americans (ONA) and with support from The Colorado Trust, has released a first-of-its-kind report assessing the state of language access across Colorado state agency programs and services. The report, “Language Access in Colorado State Agencies: Existing Efforts and Opportunities for Expansion”, is now available on MPI’s website.

With over 300,000 Coloradans whose primary language is not English, ensuring equitable language access is essential to connecting all residents with state services, information, and opportunities. The report highlights Colorado’s innovative efforts to expand language access and provides actionable recommendations informed by national best practices.

“Language access in state government is essential to our democracy and our well-being,” said State Representative Elizabeth Velasco. “We are tasked with making resources and information available so that Coloradans can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. From the legislative process to state departments, we must continue removing barriers so we can all thrive.”

Unlike many states that focus on language access in response to legal challenges, Colorado has taken a proactive, community-driven approach. This assessment positions Colorado as a national leader in improving language access infrastructure.

Dee Daniels Scriven, Director of the Office of New Americans, emphasized the importance of this work: “By investing in inclusive language access practices, Colorado ensures that all residents, regardless of their first language, can participate fully in their communities and access available opportunities. The insights from this report will help state government to target language access interventions for maximum public benefit.”

The findings and recommendations in the MPI report will guide Colorado’s next steps in enhancing language access across state agencies, improving service delivery, and fostering greater immigrant integration statewide.

For more information, visit Migration Policy Institute’s website.

About the Office of New Americans
Established in 2021, ONA is dedicated to supporting immigrants, refugees, and their children throughout Colorado. ONA works to provide access to resources, services, and opportunities that promote the economic and social well-being of Colorado’s diverse communities. Please visit to see its resources for immigrants and refugees.




About the Office of New Americans
Established in 2021, ONA is dedicated to supporting immigrants, refugees, and their children throughout Colorado. ONA works to provide access to resources, services, and opportunities that promote the economic and social well-being of Colorado’s diverse communities. Please visit to see its resources for immigrants and refugees.