Press Release: Through Grant, Employers Can Find the COVID-19 Workers They Need, with Wages Covered 100%

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For Immediate Release | November 4, 2021

Thanks to the COResponds grant, employers can mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic on their business by connecting with the temporary workers they need. In addition to providing employers with the talent they need to recover from COVID-19, the grant covers 100 percent of these workers’ wages.

COResponds provides workers with temporary pandemic-related employment to people who have been laid off, are experiencing long- or short-term unemployment, and those who are self-employed but unemployed or underemployed as a result of COVID-19.

Positions eligible for the grant must be disaster-relief temporary jobs that help stem the rise of COVID-19, provide clean-up and humanitarian assistance including actions to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity.

There are dozens of job titles that are approved by the grant, including:

  • COVID-19 Rapid Response Testing 
  • COVID-19 Case Investigators/Contact Tracers 
  • COVID-19 Disaster-Relief Humanitarian Aid Worker 
  • COVID-19 Food Bank Sorting & Repacking Coordinator 
  • COVID-19 School District Health Technician 
  • COVID-19 Health Screener Temporary School 
  • COVID-19 Health Assistant School Sanitation Worker Homeless Shelter Navigator

For more information contact your local Workforce Center staff at

Resources Mentioned:

About the grant: 

Contact: Office of Government, Policy and Public Relations