Press Release: Workforce Development Program Connects Students and Jobseekers with Clean Energy Career Pathways

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(DENVER) — The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) announced today new resources are available to connect Colorado students and jobseekers with training and career opportunities within the clean energy sector. The new workforce development program called Strengthening Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Careers, SPARC for short, was established to support the statewide goal to position Colorado as a leader in the clean energy economy by setting a path to reach 100% renewable energy for the electric grid by 2040. CDLE’s SPARC Navigators are available to connect interested learners with high-quality education and training opportunities to create high-paying jobs that ultimately support the protection of Colorado’s environment. 

Jobs in clean energy are among the fastest growing in Colorado and throughout the United States. Professions in the energy sector offer a range of skills and expertise. There are opportunities to work on energy production, storage, and transmission; energy efficient building construction and renovation; the development and installation of solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy; manufacturing and maintenance of zero-emission vehicles; and the development of alternative clean fuels.

Because of the knowledge and skills that are required, energy employees are well compensated, often earning above national averages.  CDLE, in partnership with Pueblo Community College, Northeastern Junior College, Arapahoe Community College and the Community College of Aurora are offering free scholarships to eligible students.

“The educational and training programs within the SPARC program were created by the State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education along with the Department of Higher Education, and we’re excited to be supporting those efforts by promoting these opportunities and getting interested learners connected to a program that best meets their interest and need,” said CDLE Executive Director Joe Barela. “Together we are helping Colorado meet its goal of being a leader in the clean energy economy.”

For more details about what community colleges are offering SPARC programming this fall, please visit Interested learners are encouraged to reach out to CDLE’s SPARC Navigators:

Arapahoe/Douglas Works! (AD Works!)
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Colorado Rural Workforce Consortium
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