1099-G tax forms are now available in MyUI+ for many claimants who received unemployment benefits. To view your 1099-G form if available, log into your MyUI+ account, then select “View Correspondences” from the left-hand navigation menu (or in the hamburger menu at the top, if you’re on mobile). Claimants will also receive a copy of their 1099-G tax form via U.S. mail at the address on file for their claim (unless they have opted out of the paper mailing). If you prefer not to receive a paper copy, you may opt out of the mailing within your MyUI+ account.
We cannot provide tax advice; visit the IRS Unemployment Compensation page if you are not sure what to do.
Identity Theft
If you have received a 1099-G document from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment but did not file a claim for unemployment benefits, you may be a victim of identity theft. Unfortunately, fraudsters steal or purchase private information from illicit data brokers and use that information to file fraudulent unemployment claims. While we have a sophisticated multi-factor program in place to flag suspected fraud, no system is perfect.
Here’s what you should do if you’ve received a 1099-G document from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment but did not file a claim for unemployment benefits:
- Complete the Report Unemployment Identity Theft form.
- Contact the three consumer credit bureaus and put a fraud alert on your name and Social Security Number (SSN). Credit Bureau Contact Info: Equifax: 1-800-525-6285 | Experian: 1-888-397-3742 | TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289
- Create a file where you can keep records of this identity theft in one place.
Frequently Asked Questions
Form 1099-G, Certain Government Payments, is mailed in January to anyone who received an unemployment benefits payment during the previous calendar year. If your Form 1099-G is mailed to an address other than your current address, the U.S. Postal Service will forward the Form 1099-G if a current forwarding order is on file. If your Form 1099-G is returned to us, we will not mail it again, but you can access the Form on your MyUI+ account.
Your 1099-G shows the entire amount we paid you in unemployment benefits, even though you are paying back those benefits. Any unemployment benefits paid during the calendar year must be reported as income. If you were overpaid and paid the money back in the same calendar year, both the amount repaid and the amount not yet repaid must be reported as total income. Check the instructions on your tax form to see how to report the unemployment benefit income and the amount repaid.
The Division provides you with monthly records of your repayments. You can reference the monthly statements to determine the total amount you repaid during the year. Credit for repayment(s) can only be claimed in the year in which repayment(s) were paid back to us. Remember that overpayments are included in 1099-G amounts, but offsets are not. We cannot provide advice; check with the IRS if you are not sure what to do.
Colorado Division of Unemployment Insurance
303-318-9000 Contact Us