Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI)


The Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) survey provides Colorado’s information on the frequency of fatal injuries occurring in the workplace and the manner in which they occurred. 

Workers and workplaces counted include:

  • Private and Public Sectors
  • Military
  • Self-Employed

The CFOI program ensures that fatality counts are as complete and accurate as possible by cross-referencing diverse data sources to verify fatalities. Individuals and companies are kept confidential. We provide data by occupational, industrial, and demographic characteristics.

Three or more incidents of a fatality must have occurred in a specific category for it to be published. Numbers are excluded if they don’t meet publication requirements.

Uses of CFOI data


Data are used by safety and health policy analysts and researchers to help prevent fatal work injuries by:

  • informing workers of life-threatening hazards associated with various jobs.
  • promoting safer work practices through enhanced job safety training.
  • assessing and improving workplace safety standards.
  • identifying new areas of safety research.