MyUI+ users will see the new Claim Status Tracker when they login to MyUI+. Users can now check the status of their claim(s), see pending issues and complete required action items in the Claim Status Tracker.


How to Complete Fact Finding Requests (for TPAs)


Third-Party Administrators (TPAs) can respond to fact-finding questionnaires on behalf of employer clients in MyUI Employer+. It is recommended that TPAs set their Correspondence Preference to Electronic in order to respond to Division requests for their clients in a timely manner. TPA Correspondence Preference can be updated in the "Address Information" section under "Account Maintenance" in your TPA account. 

Completing Employer Fact-Finding Questionnaires 

TPAs must have the "Edit Claims Forms Mailing" role assigned to their TPA account to be able to access employer client fact-finding questionnaires. TPAs can check role associations using the Employer Search function in MyUI Employer+. Review the Searching for an Employer Account page for more information.

Note: If a TPA does not have the "Edit Claims Forms Mailing" role but needs to complete fact-finding questionnaires on behalf of an employer, the employer will need to assign the role to the TPA. 

Step 1. Locate Fact-Finding Requests

Outstanding fact-finding requests are found in the TPA inbox. 

Step 2. Complete Fact-Finding Requests

  • Click the blue hyperlink on the Document ID next to the fact-finding item you wish to complete.
  • Follow the system prompts to complete the fact-finding request.

