Transportation Network Company (TNC)

New: Starting February 1, 2025, TNC drivers and consumers may submit complaints to the Division regarding alleged violations of TNC transparency and disclosure requirements in C.R.S. § 8-4-127 using the Transportation Network Company Complaint Submission Form.

Colorado Revised Statute § 8-4-127 defines a transportation network company as a "corporation, partnership, sole partnership, or other entity, operating in Colorado, that uses a digital network to connect riders for the purpose of providing transportation". 

Reporting & Transparency Requirements

In 2024, Senate Bill 24-075 was passed, adding Colorado Revised Statute § 8-4-127 to the law. This statute establishes certain driver protections and transparency standards for Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) operating in Colorado. Under this statute, TNCs must provide various disclosures to the Division of Labor Standards, TNC drivers, and TNC consumers. 

For more information, refer to INFO #23B Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Driver Rights and Labor Transparency on our Guidance page

Filing a Complaint

Beginning February 1, 2025, the Division may investigate driver and consumer complaints regarding transparency and disclosure requirements found in the Transportation Network Company Act. Drivers and consumers may file complaints about violations that happened to themselves and/or someone else. Complaints may be filed anonymously but please be aware that the Division may need additional information during its review of your complaint. If the Division does not have a person to contact, it may not be able to investigate your complaint.

Note: The Division cannot investigate complaints because a consumer did not receive a ride that was ordered or that a consumer was not satisfied with the service from a ride ordered through a TNC.

To file a complaint, use the complaint form:

To submit a PDF form, email to cdle_labor_standards@state.co.us, or mail to 633 17th St. Denver, CO 80202.

Types of Complaints:

Please review INFO #23B and C.R.S. § 8-4-127 for additional information about the complaint types listed below.

  1. Transparency for Drivers (C.R.S. § 8-4-127 (11))
  2. Transparency for Consumers (C.R.S. § 8-4-127 (11))
  3. Consequences for a Driver for Accepting or Rejecting a Task (C.R.S. § 8-4-127 (12))

Annual Transportation Tasks

TNCs providing services in Colorado are required to disclose to the Division of Labor Standards the total number of annual transportation tasks that started in the state for the previous calendar year every January 15. Please note the current deadline for TNCs to disclose the total annual transportation tasks to the Division of Labor Standards is January 15, 2025

Once the Division has received the total annual transportation tasks from TNCs providing services in the state, an aggregated total of all transportation tasks from the previous year will be calculated, and posted on this webpage for DSOs to use in preparing their annual budget.

Update: The number of annual transportation tasks reported as beginning in the state in 2024 for Transport Network Companies covered under C.R.S. § 8-4-127 is 35,081,644. 

Total Transportation Tasks Reported by Year

Calendar YearTotal Number of Tasks Reported

Reporting Notes:

  1. The Division updated the 2023 number of Transportation Tasks on January 15, 2025, after a TNC company that previously reported transportation tasks for 2023 revised the total tasks reported. Consequently, the Division adjusted the number from 32,060,787 to 32,085,106.
  2. The Division updated the 2023 number of Transportation Tasks on December 23, 2024, after the PUC confirmed receipt of an attestation of exclusion from the Act from a company that previously reported transportation tasks for 2023. Consequently, the Division adjusted the number from 32,090,909 to 32,060,787.

Driver Support Organization (DSO)

From January 1 to March 31, 2025, the Division will accept applications to be the certified DSO. After the application period, applications will be posted for 30 days on the Division’s Transportation Network Company (TNC) webpage before a certified DSO is selected.

A Driver Support Organization is a membership-based and member-led nonprofit or labor organization with a principal purpose to support drivers and:

  • that has consistently operated in Colorado for at least four years with that purpose; 
  • that is not funded, directly or indirectly, excessively influenced, or controlled by a TNC; and
  • that is not affiliated with any other entity entirely funded, directly or indirectly, excessively influenced, or controlled by a TNC. 

Upcoming Requirements under the Transportation Network Company Transparency Act ("TNC Act")

A timeline of important dates for TNCs to be aware of:

DateWho?Task DescriptionHow to
January 1, 2025-March 31, 2025DSODSO must submit applications and annual budgets to the DivisionDriver Support Organization (DSO) Certification Application & Annual Budget Submission Form
February 1, 2025Drivers/ ConsumersDrivers and consumers may submit complaints to the Division regarding allegations of violations of the TNC disclosure requirementsTNC Complaint Submission Form
On or before May 1, 2025TNCTNC must submit deactivation policies to the DivisionTNC Deactivation Policy Submission Form [coming soon]
June 1, 2025DriversDrivers may submit TNC complaints to the Division regarding violations of C.R.S. § 8-4-127.Updated TNC Complaint Form [coming soon]

For more information, refer to INFO #23B Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Driver Rights and Labor Transparency on our Guidance page

Questions regarding the TNC Act: 

If you have questions about the TNC Act, contact our call center at 303-318-8441‬ or 1-888-390-7936 (toll-free), or email our Reporting and Accountability team cdle_accountability_programs@state.co.us.

Contact Us

All Other Questions and Complaints: To file another type of complaint that the Division has the authority to investigate, visit the Division’s Complaints webpage. For more information about Colorado labor and employment laws, please visit the Division's website, the Guidance webpage, or the Labor Statutes webpage.

If you believe you may have experienced a violation of Colorado labor and employment laws and would like to discuss the matter, you can contact the Division by emailing cdle_labor_standards@state.co.us or calling our call center at 303-318-8441 or 1-888-390-7936 (toll-free). The Call Center's hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, and Tuesday and Thursday, 9 am to 1 pm. Please note that our call center cannot answer questions about individual complaints.

Colorado Division of Labor Standards and Statistics | 303-318-3441 | Contact Us