Press Release: Colorado Celebrates Digital Inclusion Week Across the State

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DENVER — Colorado’s Digital Equity team celebrates the week of October 2-6, 2023 as Digital Inclusion Week. The Colorado Digital Equity team includes the Office of the Future of Work (OFW) within the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE), the Office of eHealth Innovation (OeHI), and the Colorado Broadband Office (OIT).

Digital Inclusion Week is an annual week of awareness, recognition, and celebration, where individuals and organizations across the nation host events and campaigns to promote and increase digital equity in their communities. Approximately 73,000 Coloradans lack the skills they need to use digital tools for work, learning, and quality of life. To ensure the health of its communities and economy, Colorado is taking strategic steps toward digital equity and fostering a state where all Coloradans have the resources needed to participate in a modern society.

“Internet access is no longer a privilege but a necessity. Everything from taxes, applying for jobs, scheduling doctors’ appointments, and ordering a pizza can be done online,” said Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw the huge benefits of the online world connecting us and providing resources big and small. It is important to recognize that digital inclusion is not limited to internet access, but includes how we can make the online world more accessible for everyone, including for seniors, individuals with disabilities, and those with language or cultural differences.” 

“As we celebrate Digital Inclusion Week, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment underscores the critical importance of digital skills and access for our communities,” says Katherine Keegan, Director of the Office of the Future of Work.  “As digital tools become an integral part of work, learning, and daily life, we must ensure all Coloradans have the devices, skills, and internet access they need to thrive."

During Digital Inclusion Week, there will be a variety of events to build awareness around digital equity needs and how the State and its partners plan to address inequities in our communities across Colorado.  

2023 Digital Inclusion Champions
During Digital Inclusion Week, the state is recognizing Digital Inclusion Champions who have made an impact in their communities through their dedication to digital equity work.

  • Lara Van Matre - Bridging Digital Divides - Sister Carmen Community Center
  • Erik Rock - Loveland Public Library
  • Salvador Acuña - Co-Create, LLC
  • Tracy Treece & Nate Stone – Denver Public Library
  • Cristy Moran & Kieran Hixon – Colorado State Library
  • Laura Ware - Colorado Center on Law and Policy
  • Dayton Romero - Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP

Digital Inclusion Week Events
Wednesday, October 4
Colorado Digital Government Summit 2023
The Digital Government Summit brings together technology-focused public-sector professionals with leading industry partners to connect on innovative approaches, get inspired, and discover new technologies. The Colorado Broadband Office’s Executive Director, Brandy Reitter, will be providing a statewide update on the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) funding and the impact these funds will have on Colorado residents. Read more and learn how to register here.

Wednesday, October 4 at 5 p.m.
Digital Navigator Corps Program Info Session
CDLE's Office of the Future of Work is co-hosting an information session with Serve Colorado, The Learning Source, and Loveland Public Library to share information about serving in the Colorado Digital Navigator Corps. Attendees will learn about digital navigation services, the skills and qualities that are needed to be a digital navigator, service in AmeriCorps, the organizations who are seeking Digital Navigator AmeriCorps members, and the locations of the positions. Register to attend the Info Session.

Friday, October 6 at 12 p.m.
Digital Equity Open House
Digital Equity Open House virtual meetings are drop-in opportunities for stakeholders to touch base with Colorado's Digital Equity Team on its Digital Equity Plan progress, to provide input on the plan, or to help shape the way 2024 funding opportunities will be provided. Register to attend the Digital Equity Open House.

Nearly 30,000 Coloradans say they cannot afford high-speed internet. Bridging the digital divide requires the physical infrastructure, digital skills, and education to use the internet and devices and it requires access to affordable internet.  The Affordable Connectivity Program offers low-income households a $30 to $75 credit on monthly internet bills. Families can check to see if they qualify at:

Learn more about Digital Inclusion Week and the Digital Access Plan by visiting:


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