Press Release: Update on Launch of New Online UI System and Implementation of Federal Extended Benefits

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For Immediate Release
Date: January 5, 2021
Contact: Office of Government, Policy and Public Relations -

State Labor Department Provides Update on Launch of New Online UI System and Implementation of Federal Extended Benefits

(DENVER) -- Today, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) announced that, in preparation for the launch of a new benefits system, its online claims and phone systems will be unavailable starting today until January 10. The MyUI Claimant online application, the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) system, the phone line for requesting payment (CUBline), and some Virtual Assistant functions will all be impacted. All services are expected to be restored by January 10th, when the new MyUI+ system will launch.

The new online system called MyUI+ is the result of a multi-year process of modernizing its aging unemployment benefits system beginning in 2017. The new MyUI+ platform was expected to launch in the spring of 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic required the Department to instead shift its focus toward implementing CARES Act programs and assisting a mass influx of new claimants.

To help prepare for the new benefits system, on December 29th all regular state UI claimants were directed to request payment early on January 3rd regardless of their scheduled payment request date. If claimants requested a payment on January 3rd and received a warning message indicating that they were requesting payment early and their claim may be closed,  they should ignore this warning message. Their claim will remain open and they will be able to make their next payment request January 10th in the new MyUI+ system. More than 100,000 people have successfully requested payment since January 3rd.

Today the department also announced that it continues to wait for federal guidance on the extension of unemployment benefits. No programming of the extended benefits can begin prior to receiving full guidance. CDLE will remain in communication with claimants and will update them as the Department receives additional information. 
Claimants can learn more about the MyUI+ transition by visiting the MyUI+ page on The department will also repurpose its third party call center to assist claimants with logging into the new MyUI+ system. The call center will operate on Sunday, January 10 from 8am-4pm and then Monday through Friday from 8am-8pm. 


The department discussed these updates today on a press call. 
Recording of Today’s Press Call

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