Youth Law

The Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act (“CYEOA”), C.R.S. Title 8, Article 12, governs the employment of all minors under 18. The CYEOA sets restrictions on hours and types of work that may be performed by minors. 

For more information regarding the employment of minors in Colorado, please refer to INFO #22 on our INFOs page


The Division accepts complaints for alleged violations of Colorado youth law. Complaints may involve excessive work hours by minors, young persons working in prohibited occupations, age restrictions, or other non-wage related violations of the CYEOA. After receiving a valid complaint, the Division will investigate the allegations. If the Division determines that an employer has violated the CYEOA, it may issue an order to cease the violation and assess damages payable to the claimant and fines payable to the Division.

To file a youth law complaint with the Division, complete and submit the Youth Law Complaint Form below. Submit the completed form by email (cdle_labor_standards@state.co.us), fax (303-318-8400), or mail (address above).

Use this form for only complaints about alleged CYEOA violations. Submit complaints about other labor violations affecting minors (wages, breaks, paid sick, etc.), on the Labor Standards Complaint Form on the Division Demands, Complaints, & Responses page. For violations of both youth law and any other labor law(s), submit both kinds of complaints.


An employer, a minor (or their parent or guardian), or a school official or youth employment specialist may ask the Division for an exemption from certain CYEOA limits. The Division may grant exemptions to some provisions of the CYEOA. 

To apply for an exemption, complete the form below. The form asks for details of the job, which limit(s) exemption is sought from (e.g., duties or hours limits), and why the employer believes the quantity and type of work are safe and appropriate for the minor. Submit the completed form by email (cdle_labor_standards@state.co.us), fax (303-318-8400), or mail (address above).

Youth Exemption Request Form (fillable PDF form)

More information

The Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act and other Colorado labor laws are available on our Labor Statutes page.

The United States Department of Labor maintains a website regarding the employment of minors under federal law at youthrules.gov. It has issued Child Labor Bulletin 101 regarding federal restrictions for non-agricultural work and Child Labor Bulletin 102 regarding agricultural work. Federal laws and regulations may apply. 

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Colorado Division of Labor Standards and Statistics | 303-318-8441 | Contact Us