CDLE regularly hires for a wide range of jobs posted on the CDLE careers page. Jobs at the CDLE Division of Labor Standards and Statistics (“DLSS”) include:
- Compliance Investigators, who, with DLSS training and continuing education, investigate complaints of labor violations, write binding decisions ordering wage payments and changes to unlawful practices, and with experience may participate in outreach, rulemaking, and policy initiatives.
- Data analysts and technicians, who obtain, analyze, and produce Colorado’s labor market data on jobs and pay by industry, by occupation, and for the state overall.
- Economists and statistical analysts, who produce and present a variety of analyses and reports on Colorado’s labor market data.
- Labor policy advisors, who analyze labor law and policy issues, take a lead role in DLSS rulemaking efforts, and produce and present reports and published guidance to internal and external audiences.
- Administrative Assistants and Program Assistants, at varied levels of pay and experience.
- Managers and supervisors of all of the above positions.
- Other positions may be open on an ad hoc basis (Salesforce administrator, outreach and communications, hearing officer, etc.).
DLSS jobs currently posted, or with anticipated upcoming postings:
There are currently no postings available.
To express interest in being notified of future job openings:
If you might be interested in working at DLSS, but there is no current or expected or upcoming posting: We do not take formal applications outside of official job postings, but we can put you on a list to be notified of future DLSS developments, including to be notified of postings of future openings that might be of interest to you. Please fill out this form to express interest, indicating what job, or types of jobs, would be of interest. You do not need to attach a resume or professional profile to the form, but you can if you wish.
About Us:
Through the Office of Labor Standards (LS), DLSS interprets, investigates, issues guidance and rules on, and enforces labor law on various aspects of: wages (minimum, overtime, deductions, etc.); health-related leave and whistleblowing; employee privacy rights (limits on inquiries into credit history, criminal record, or social media); union-management relations (elections and certain grievances); transparency in posting job and promotion opportunities; public contracting; and youth employment.
Through the Office of Labor Market Information (LMI), DLSS collects, calculates, and analyzes information on the state of, and trends in, labor markets throughout Colorado. Through the “LMI Gateway” site, LMI presents its data in various ways: industry employment and wages; current and projected industry and occupation levels; occupational wages; and labor force employment and wages. LMI also provides more customized information and analyses that help workforce centers, unemployment insurance, and policy-makers serve all Coloradans.