New: The Delivery Network Company Complaint Submission Form is now available.
What is a Delivery Network Company?
In 2024, House Bill 24-1129 was passed, adding Colorado Revised Statute § 8-4-126 to the law. This statute establishes certain driver protections and transparency standards for Delivery Network Companies (DNCs) operating in Colorado. Under this statute, DNCs must provide various disclosures to drivers, consumers, and the Division of Labor Standards.
C.R.S. § 8-4-126 defines a “Delivery Network Company” or “DNC” as “any person that sells the delivery of goods or services, including delivery provided as part of the sale of goods, in the state of Colorado and that engages or dispatches delivery drivers through a digital platform.”
For example, if you order food from a restaurant or an item from a store and a delivery service delivers your order to you, the person delivering the order may be working with a Delivery Network Company.
For more information, please refer to INFO #23A Delivery and Transportation Network Companies: Driver Rights and Labor Transparency, which can be found on the Division's Guidance page.
Filing a Complaint
Beginning January 1, 2025, the Division may investigate driver and consumer complaints of any alleged violations of the Delivery Network Company Drivers (DNC) Act. Note: You may file complaints about violations that happened to you and/or someone else. You may also file a complaint anonymously. Please be aware that the Division may need additional information during our review of your complaint, and if we do not have a person to contact, we may not be able to investigate your complaint.
Note: The Division cannot investigate complaints about delivery service or because you did not receive the product you ordered.
To file a complaint, use the complaint form:
- Delivery Network Company Complaint Form (Submit Online)
- Delivery Network Company Complaint Form (fillable PDF form)
To submit a PDF form, email to or mail to 633 17th St Denver, CO 80202.
Types of Complaints:
Please review INFO #23A and C.R.S. 8-4-126 for additional information about the complaint types listed below.
- Consumer Payment (C.R.S. § 8-4-126(2)),
- Wage Transparency to Driver (C.R.S. § 8-4-126(3)),
- Contract Transparency (C.R.S. § 8-4-126(4)),
- Account Deactivation Transparency - Deactivation Challenge Procedure (C.R.S. § 8-4-126(5)),
- Driver Safety (C.R.S. § 8-4-126(6)), and
- Task Acceptance Time (C.R.S. § 8-4-126(7)).
Deactivation Policy
DNCs providing services in Colorado are required to develop and maintain an “account deactivation policy” applicable to their drivers. This policy must be in writing and define what constitutes a violation that may result in an account deactivation. The policy must be available and provided to drivers in English, Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Swahili/Kiswahili, Nepali/Nepalese.
*Note: All deactivation policies are enforceable starting 30 days from the date published.
DNCs must submit new or revised deactivation policies to the Division, which must post them on the Division’s website for 30 days before they become enforceable. DNCs can submit new or revised policies using the following link: DNC Deactivation Policy Submission Form. Note: Deactivation policies will be posted by the end of the next business day after submission.
Questions Regarding the DNC Act:
If you have questions about the DNC Act or the complaint process, contact our call center at 303-318-8441 or 1-888-390-7936 (toll-free), or email our Reporting and Accountability team
Contact Us
All Other Questions and Complaints: To file another type of complaint that the Division has the authority to investigate, visit the Division’s Complaints webpage. For more information about Colorado labor and employment laws, please visit the Division's website, the Guidance webpage, or the Labor Statutes webpage.
If you believe you may have experienced a violation of Colorado labor and employment laws and would like to discuss the matter, you can contact the Division by emailing or calling our call center at 303-318-8441 or 1-888-390-7936 (toll-free). The Call Center's hours of operation are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, and Tuesday and Thursday, 9 am to 1 pm. Please note that our call center cannot answer questions about individual complaints.
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