Labor Laws, Rules, & Resources

INFOs & Posters

DLSS publishes INFOs, KNOWLEDGEs, and Posters. 

  • INFOs: officially approved notices, opinions, and explanations on various labor law topics.
  • KNOWLEDGEs: one-page summaries for employees on their labor rights.
  • Posters: required labor posters which should be provided in prominent places of work to inform employees of their labor rights.
  • Other Published Guidance: reports, fact sheets, and other guidance. 

Download the Labor Posters for your office space

Labor Rules

Labor Rules provide specific information from the agency about the requirements of employers and employee rights according to labor laws. View proposed rules and ways to contribute to current rulemaking, and explore prior rulemaking hearings and rules. 

Check out the Department of Regulatory Agencies 

Visit the Secretary of State website

Labor Statutes

Labor Statutes are the codified labor laws that have been adopted into Colorado Revised Statute. We have posted current and up to the last three years of relevant laws (if applicable). 

Check out the Colorado Revised Statutes