What is Digital Inclusion Week?
Digital Inclusion Week (DIW) is an annual week of awareness, recognition, and celebration. The Office of the Future of Work at CDLE is a member of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA), an organization that provides digital inclusion leadership and advocacy and supports states and localities in promoting digital inclusion. In Colorado, we join with organizations and individuals across the country to host special events, run social media campaigns, and share their digital inclusion actions and progress with the media.
Digital Inclusion Week is celebrated October 7-11, 2024.
During Digital Inclusion Week, the state is recognizing Digital Inclusion Champions who have made an impact in their communities through their dedication to digital equity and inclusion work.
- 2024 Digital Inclusion Champions:
- Gloria Padilla, Jewish Family Services of Colorado
- Heather Roberts, Weld County Department of Human Services
- Humberto Cruzado Novoa, Poudre School District
- Katie San Filippo, Center for Work Education and Employment (CWEE), AmeriCorps Member
- Michael Gillett, Jewish Family Services of Colorado
- Center for Work Education and Employment (CWEE)
- Easterseals of Colorado
- Jeffco Public Library’s Digital Literacy Program Team, PowerOn Jeffco!
- Southern Ute Indian Tribe Digital Equity Team
- The Arc of Northeast Colorado
- 2023 Digital Inclusion Champions:
- Lara Van Matre - Bridging Digital Divides - Sister Carmen Community Center
- Erik Rock - Loveland Public Library
- Salvador Acuña - Co-Create, LLC
- Tracy Treece & Nate Stone – Denver Public Library
- Cristy Moran & Kieran Hixon – Colorado State Library
- Laura Ware - Colorado Center on Law and Policy
- Dayton Romero - Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) from AARP
- 2024 Digital Inclusion Champions:
- 2024 Colorado Digital Inclusion Week Social Media Toolkit: Use our toolkit to post about Colorado's digital inclusion work and raise awareness on your social media channels.
- DIW2024 Essentials including graphics, general messaging, email outreach templates, and slide decks
- Digital Inclusion Event Toolkits including tips for a successful event and more!
- Advocacy and Action Toolkits with tips for engaging elected officials
- And more from the Nation Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA)
DIW Events in Colorado
- Understanding Colorado’s Digital Inclusion Landscape: Join the Digital Equity team during Digital Inclusion Week for a virtual information session on October 8, from 2:30 - 3:30 pm to learn about digital inclusion in Colorado and how to prepare for capacity funding from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to form coalitions and create digital equity plans for regions/counties.
- Digital Tech Skills Bootcamp: Students of Emily Griffith are invited to register for a 5-week Digital Tech Skills Bootcamp at Emily Griffith Technical College. Each in-person class is held on Tuesdays beginning October 8th from 12:30 - 2:00 PM at the Mosaic Community Campus in Aspen Hall. Participants must have intermediate English language proficiency. Registration is closed.
- Digital Navigator Community of Practice: Held virtually on October 30th from 8:30 - 10:00 am, with an afternoon option from 4-5:30 pm. This CoP is for digital navigators and those interested in the work of DNs. In October we will be focusing on best practices for providing services to individuals with disabilities.
- Morning Option Zoom Link: 8:30-10 am MST (Passcode: 888707)
- Afternoon Option Zoom Link: 4-5:30 pm MST (Passcode: 194056)