Programs for Coal Transition Communities

The Office of Just Transition is working alongside coal communities in Colorado to support long-term transition strategies to create family-sustaining jobs, broader property tax bases, and measurably more economic diversity. 


Community Assistance Grants for Coal Communities

Since 2021, over $15M has been earmarked by OJT and OEDIT for investment in coal communities through two phases of grant awards.

The West End of Montrose County$5M
The Yampa Valley$7.9M
Morgan County$.93M
Pueblo County$.93M
Delta, Gunnison, La Plata, El Paso, Larimer Counties$.93M


Phase II Community Assistance Grants - Accepting Applications!

The Office of Just Transition (OJT) and the Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT) are partnering to provide $9.6 million in Coal Transition Community Grants to communities whose economies have traditionally relied on the coal industry. These grants are intended to support regional economic and workforce development activities that expand local business, create new good-paying jobs, and create more diversified and strong local economies.

Read the funding guidance.

Watch the funding webinar

Questions?  Contact Cassie Mason - cassie.mason@state.co.us

Phase I Community Assistance Grants - Limited Funding Still Available

$5.9M was made available for Phase I Grant Awards. $5.147 has been awarded. 

Read the Phase I grant guidance document.

Links to Application Forms:

Tier Two Transition Communities Application Form:

Read the terms and conditions regulating funding awards.

Funded Projects

See a list of awarded grants.

Which Communities Can Apply for Assistance?

Eligible entities in Coal Transition Communities may receive OJT Community Assistance funding.

Tier One Coal Transition Communities are: Morgan County, Pueblo County, the West End of Montrose County (including the Town of Norwood in San Miguel County), Moffat County, Rio Blanco County, and Routt County.

Tier Two Coal Transition Communities are: Delta County, Gunnison County, El Paso County, La Plata County, Larimer County.

Eligible entities are: Economic development districts, counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions of the State (including public K12 schools and special districts), Indian tribes, Registered apprenticeship programs, Institutions of higher education, Public or private nonprofit organizations or associations.


Other Assistance


Grant Writing Assistance

If you are an eligible entity located in a coal community and need assistance with grant writing, please contact Cassie Mason (cassie.mason@state.co.us). OJT can provide a grant writer to support projects that:

  • support targeted economic development
  • assist with regional capacity for coordination of economic development and worker assistance programs
  • support infrastructure projects 
  • support workforce development

Other Resources


News and Information


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For information, contact Kirstie at kirstie.mcpherson@state.co.us, OJT's Economic Development and Community Engagement Manager