Press Release: Workforce Development Month Explores Working in a Virtual World During the Pandemic (September 7-11)

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For Immediate Release

Date: September 8, 2020
Contact: Office of Government, Policy and Public Relations -

Workforce Development Month Explores Working
in a Virtual World During the Pandemic (September 7-11)

Due to the pandemic, workers, job seekers, and employers have had to transition to working in a virtual world, a transition that has brought challenges as well as opportunities.

As part of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s (CDLE) efforts to highlight worker and employer resources during Workforce Development Month, the agency chose the week of September 7th to explore “Working in a Virtual World.” 

Joe Barela, Executive Director of CDLE, kicked off the week with an article about how the virtual world of work requires workers to be lifelong learners, especially in regards to acquiring and honing digital skills. “Millions of people,” he writes, “lack in-demand skills and are unable to apply for millions of open jobs, denying workers the opportunity to advance their careers and leaving employers bereft of the talent they need to grow.” 

Barela also emphasizes the need for workers to know where they can acquire these skills: Microsoft’s new initiative offers many learning pathways, and Colorado’s 52 Workforce Centers, located statewide, can connect workers to a myriad of low- and no-cost services to help people upskill and reskill to remain competitive in a rapidly changing economy.

During the week, CDLE will be highlighting upcoming trainings, events, and resources to help both employers and workers navigate this new world of work. Upcoming events are listed below. CDLE also encourages both job seekers and employers to read its weekly “Finding a Job During COVID-19” series, published by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and the Office of the Future of Work. In the series, Katherine Keegan, Director of the Office of the Future of Work, uses data to highlight what skills are in demand, what industries are hiring, resources for job seekers, and more. To get the latest, follow Katherine Keegan on LinkedIn. To keep up with CDLE, workers, employers, and others can follow the agency on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Upcoming events include:
September 10: Career Shift: How to Transfer Your Skills Into a New Industry. 
Ongoing: Weld County Virtual Job Fair: call 970-400-6742 for more information.
September 9: Basics of HR: What You Need to Know - Facts on Compliance and Laws.
September 15: Construction career info session.
September 23: Inclusion In Action Workforce Symposium 2020.
September 23: Arapahoe Cares Business Recovery Conference.
September 29: Healthcare career info session.

For a comprehensive list, please visit CDLE’s website.

The themes for the upcoming weeks are:

September 14: Workforce Services
Colorado’s Workforce Centers are still open (check with your local Workforce Center for hours and services) and offering services to employers, workers, and job seekers throughout the state. During the week, CDLE will be highlighting these services and other resources Coloradans can use to grow their business or advance their career goals.

September 21: Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships benefit both employers and workers: employers get the skilled talent they need to succeed, while workers have the opportunity to upskill or resell while earning a paycheck. This week, CDLE will be outlining apprenticeship resources for employers as well as workers.

September 28: Impacted Industries
Hospitality, Restaurants, and Retail: While the pandemic has affected nearly every sector of the economy, hospitality, restaurants, and retail have been especially hard hit. CDLE will be highlighting resources businesses and workers in these industries can use to take their next step.