Appeal Rights

If you or your employer disagree with a decision regarding your UI claim, you each have the right to appeal. Appeals must be submitted within 20 days from the date the determination letter was mailed. If the 20th calendar day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date of the appeal becomes the next business day.

How to Submit an Appeal

You can submit your appeal through your MyUI+ account by going to "View and Maintain Account Information," and then "Issues and Determinations," and find the issue you want to appeal. We recommend submitting your appeal through MyUI+, as the appeal will be received and processed faster when you appeal directly in your MyUI+ account.

All you need to provide initially is a detailed description of the reasons you disagree with the decision. You can provide additional documents or records (evidence) prior to your hearing.

You must continue to request payment every week and continue to meet all eligibility requirements even while you wait for your appeal to be processed.

If you are unable to file your appeal through MyUI+, you can complete the form on the back of the determination and mail or fax it to us. If you need more room to provide specific details, attach additional pages to the form or upload documents on our website. If you fax your appeal, the date on the fax will be used to determine if your appeal was received on time.

You May Appeal


You can submit your appeal online through MyUI+


Unemployment Appeals Section 
PO BOX 8988 
Denver, CO 80201-8988



Make sure to include the front and back of the determination.

The Appeal Process

After your appeal is received, you will be sent a Notice of Hearing in the mail which will also be in your MyUI+ account in the Correspondences section. It will inform you of the date and time of your appeal hearing. You will be required to check in for your hearing no later than 2:00 p.m. the day before your scheduled hearing. If you do not check-in for the hearing, it will be dismissed. Instructions for this are included in the Notice of Hearing.  You must participate in your hearing to protect your benefit rights. An impartial hearing officer is responsible for the appeal hearing. The hearing officer will issue a written decision that is available in your MyUI+ account in the Correspondences section and is mailed after the hearing to you and any other interested parties, such as your employer.

If you disagree with a hearing officer's decision, you may appeal that decision to the Industrial Claim Appeals Office. Visit the Hearings page for more information about appeals.

More information about the hearing process, including what to do before the hearing and how to check in for your hearing, is available on the Appeals page

Late Appeals

Any written appeal received after the 20-calendar-day deadline is considered late. If you file your appeal late, send in a detailed reason for your late appeal before your scheduled hearing. The Appeals Unit will send you a hearing notice with a date and time for a hearing. At the beginning of the hearing, the other party may object to the late appeal. During the hearing, you must explain in detail the reasons you filed the appeal late (this is called “showing good cause”). If the hearing officer determines that you do not have good cause for the late appeal, the hearing will be dismissed, and the deputy’s original decision will become final. In the event that your appeal is received more than 180 days late, a hearing will not be scheduled, the appeal will be dismissed, and the deputy’s decision will become final.

Remaining Eligible During Your Appeal

To maintain your UI eligibility, continue to search for work, complete the weekly claim certification, and report any money you earned during the claim week while your appeal is pending. If the appeal is decided in your favor, you will only be paid for the weeks for which you met these requirements.