Getting You Back to Work

 Mandatory Job Search Registration

To receive UI benefits, you must either register in person at your local workforce center or online at Connecting Colorado within one week of filing your claim for UI benefits. Report to a workforce center if you've received a notice to do so. If you are attached to a job or union hiring hall or meet other specific criteria, we will notify you of your exemption to register.

Upon registering, review your contact information, skill sets, occupational goals, and other information to help the workforce center match you to job openings. Once you are prepared to apply for jobs, let us help you update your résumé and improve your interview skills.

Reemployment Services

In addition to job search assistance, Connecting Colorado can assist you with resume writing, interviewing skills, labor market information, and more. Visit our website to find your local workforce center.  

Your local workforce center offers a variety of no-cost programs and services — including job leads and career resources — to help you get back to work faster.

Additional Services to Assist You

  • Training Programs - You may be eligible for training or education programs to help you upgrade your skills or complete a degree program. Visit the Jobs & Training page to learn more about whether you might qualify.
  • Veterans’ Assistance – We have employment assistance programs specifically designed for veterans. If you are a veteran, visit the Veterans page to get started.
  • Research - As a next step, evaluate your current industry and career path by checking labor market information on the Labor Market Information page. Your local workforce center representatives can help you access career and salary trends in your area. 

When You Find a New Job

After you start a new full-time job, you do not need to notify our office that you found work. Simply stop submitting the weekly claim certification to request UI benefit payments when you start your new job (even if you will not be paid for a week or more). Should you start the new job in the middle of the week, be sure to report your earnings on your weekly claim.

Do not request payment while you are working full-time, even if you have not been paid yet.

Request payment only for any weeks you are unemployed or worked fewer than 32 hours. If you do work part of a week, report all hours and earnings before taxes (including any tips) in the week they were earned, not in the week they were paid.