Appeal a Hearing Officer's Decision

If you receive a Hearing Officer's Decision that you disagree with, you may submit a written appeal to the Industrial Claim Appeals Office (ICAO). Do not submit an appeal to ICAO because you disagree with a Notice of Determination. You should appeal a Notice of Determination that you disagree with in MyUI+

Your appeal must be received within 20 calendar days of the date the Hearing Officer's Decision was mailed, so you should submit a written appeal right away. If the 20th calendar day is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the due date of the appeal becomes the next business day.

If we receive your written appeal after the 20 calendar day deadline, you will be required to provide a detailed explanation of the reasons why your appeal is late. The panel of administrative law judges will review the reasons for your late appeal, and will mail a decision telling you if the late appeal is accepted. Visit the Appeals FAQ page for more information.

To submit an appeal, use our form or send us a handwritten or typed letter. In your letter, include a statement indicating you wish to appeal the Hearing Officer's Decision, along with:

• Claimant's name - this is the person requesting unemployment benefits.
• Docket Number on the decision- this number appears directly below the social security number.
• Name of the business involved in the appeal.
• Any address updates since the hearing.

In your initial appeal letter, you do not have to include any arguments or statements about your case. After the appeal is accepted, you will receive instructions on submitting a written statement. Visit the Appeals FAQ page for more information.
Do not use this form to appeal a Notice of Determination. You should only use this form if you had an appeal hearing and you received a hearing officer's decision that you disagree with and want to appeal. 
A "Notice of Appeal and Opportunity to File Additional Argument" will be sent to all interested parties. One party, or their representative, from each side will receive one (1) audio CD copy of the recorded hearing testimony at no cost. A copy of the appeal letter will also be sent to the opposing party.

Written Transcript Option * Pursuant to rule, 7 Code Colo. Reg. 1101-2, either party may request and pay for a written transcript. The transcript will be mailed to you as a paper copy, unless otherwise requested. You must include with the appeal the approximate cost of the transcript. The estimated cost of the written transcript is included in the Appeal Rights section of the Hearing Officer's Decision. Acceptable methods of payment are check or money order made payable to the ICAO.

If a transcript is reasonably necessary for an appeal and you are unable to pay for it, you may request a transcript fee waiver by completing the transcript fee waiver application. You may also request that the transcript fee be waived if a transcript is reasonably necessary due to a disability.

Transcript Fee Waiver Application

Send your appeal to:
Industrial Claim Appeals Office: Unemployment Insurance Cases
PO Box 18291
Denver, CO 80218-0291
Fax to: (303) 318-8139


Contact Us

Division of Unemployment Insurance Appeals  | Contact Us       Industrial Claim Appeals Office | 303-318-8133 | Fax 303-318-8139