Press Release: Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board Selected

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(DENVER) —  After reviewing several dozen applications, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) announced today the individuals chosen as the initial Board members of the Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board. A directive of the Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board Act, the Board will develop recommendations for the Governor and the state legislature regarding direct care workers and is tasked with educating workers on labor standards, investigating labor conditions and otherwise engaging with workers, employers and consumers through public meetings, education and worker notices.

From several dozen applications, the following 12 individuals have been selected as initial Board members representing employers, employees, and consumers:

The four members representing employers:

  1. Eliza Schultz, Home Care and Hospice Association of Colorado 
  2. Chip Watson, People Care Health Services 
  3. Leslee Torres, Personal Assistance Services of Colorado
  4. Joseph Shippee, Apollo Home Care Services 

The four members representing employees:

  1. Stephanie Felix-Sowy, SEIU Local 105
  2. Sandra Sherwood, care worker
  3. Christina Jackson, care worker 
  4. Earlene Anderson, care worker 

The four members representing consumers:

  1. Julie Reiskin, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition 
  2. Mary Jo Baudino, care consumer 
  3. Jennifer Ochs, care consumer 
  4. Verna Smith, care consumer 

One representative from three state agencies will also serve on the Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board. Director of the Office of Future of Work, Katherine Keegan, will serve as CDLE’s designee; Deputy Office Director of the Department of Health Care Policy and Finance (HCPF), Colin Laughlin, will serve as the HCPF designee and a designee from Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will also be chosen. 

For more information including direct care worker and employer resources on labor rights and responsibilities, visit CDLE's Direct Care Labor page at