The Hearing

Once your hearing is scheduled, you will receive a hearing notice and additional documents regarding your hearing. This is called the hearing packet. Be sure to thoroughly read the hearing packet.

If you have any evidence or documents you would like to use that are not in the hearing packet, you can submit them using the form linked below.

Submit Documentation For an Appeal Hearing


You can also submit documentation via fax or U.S. mail but this is not recommended due to slower processing times.  After submitting your documentation, you are required to also provide your documentation to the other parties listed on the Notice of Hearing. You can provide your documentation to the other parties electronically, by mail, or by hand delivery, but they must receive your documentation prior to the hearing.

Check in for your hearing by filling out the check-in appeal hearing form

You must check-in for the hearing by 2p.m. Mountain Time the calendar day before your scheduled hearing, including weekends. For example, if your hearing is scheduled on a Monday, you must check in before 2 p.m. Mountain Time on Sunday. You will need the Docket ID number in the upper-right corner of your hearing notice. Failure to check-in by 2 p.m. Mountain Time the day before your hearing will result in a dismissal of the appeal if you are the appealing party. Additionally, the hearing will dismiss if you are the appealing party and you fail to answer your telephone when the hearing officer calls to begin the hearing. If you are not the appealing party and you have not checked in, the hearing will proceed without you because the hearing officer will be unable to contact you to participate in the hearing.

Check-in for Hearing (Disponible en Español)

Hearings begin at the same time stated on the Notice of Hearing and typically last about an hour. The hearing officer will call you at the time of the hearing at the telephone number you provide when you check in for your hearing.  Please understand the hearing officer may be calling multiple parties so the call may not come at the exact time listed on the notice. If you have not received a call within 10 minutes of the time listed, please call 303-318-9299.
Review the information in the hearing packet before the hearing and be sure to have it with you for the hearing. If you have witnesses, provide their names and telephone numbers to the hearing officer.
The hearing officer will explain the hearing process and the issues to be discussed in the hearing. The hearing officer will also question the parties and witnesses. You may question the other parties and they may question you. After all testimony is taken, the hearing officer will conclude the hearing. 

The hearing officer issues a written decision that is mailed as soon as possible to all interested parties. The decision is also available in the Correspondences section of MyUI+ once the decision is issued. If you disagree with a hearing officer's decision, you may appeal that decision to the Industrial Claim Appeals Office.

Contact Us

Division of Unemployment Insurance Appeals | 303-318-9299 | Contact Us      Industrial Claim Appeals Office | 303-318-8133 | Fax 303-318-8139