Starting a Business

Ready to Start?

We can help you access the tools you need to start your business. Review our list below to make sure you are prepared to start your business and have all the required information to ensure you are complying with both state and federal laws and regulations.

Register Your Business

Employers are required to pay premiums through a Quarterly Premium-Report and Wage-Report process. You may be required to pay Unemployment Insurance (UI) premiums if you meet specific requirements. To receive an Unemployment account number, you may register your business online through MyBizColorado.

Register Online If

  • You are paying wages to at least one employee in Colorado.
  • Your first payroll date is in the prior calendar year or the current calendar year.
  • You have not previously registered for an unemployment identification number.
  • You are not involved in a change of ownership.
  • Your business is not classified as one of the following:
  • Agricultural
  • Nonprofit organization as described in the federal IRC 501 (c)(3)
  • Other nonprofit organization
  • Reimbursable or government

Effective 1/20/2022, household or domestic employers may use MyBiz Colorado to register for an unemployment insurance account. Household or domestic employers are individuals who employ a person or multiple people to perform services within their private homes. Common domestic services include: nannies, housekeepers, gardeners, cooks, personal assistants, home health aides, etc.  If you are uncertain if you qualify under this type of employment please contact our Employer Services call center at 303-318-9100 for questions on your specific situation.


You can register your business online with MyUI Employer+, or MyBiz Colorado. Visit the Register New UI Employer Account page for step-by-step instructions, or call (303) 318-9100 for more information. 

You are paying wages to at least one employee in Colorado. Your first payroll date is in the prior calendar year or the current calendar year. You have not previously registered for an unemployment identification number. You are not involved in a change of ownership. Your business is not classified as one of the following: Agricultural Nonprofit organization as described in the federal IRC 501 (c)(3) Other nonprofit organization Reimbursable or government

New employers begin at a standard rate for paying premiums depending on the type of business activity. Between 2004-2012, the standard rate consisted of three components: a base rate, a solvency surcharge and a surtax.

More About Premiums

Review our chart to assist you with what types of payments are considered wages under Colorado unemployment law.

View Wage Chart

You must submit wage reports every quarter. Please submit your wage reports through MyUI Employer+.

Manage your unemployment insurance premium account information using MyUI Employer+. Employers who pay unemployment insurance premiums and their designees, for example employees, accounting, or legal staff can utilize this tool to manage their accounts.

Ensure you are classifying your workers correctly. Employee/worker misclassification occurs when an employer mistakenly classifies a worker as an independent contractor rather than an employee.

Learn More on Ensuring Proper Worker Classification

When an employee is separated from employment and files a claim to collect unemployment benefits, any employer listed on the claim are notified via letter and are required to submit job-separation documentation. This documentation allows us to make decisions about allowing or denying unemployment benefits to be paid to the previous employee. Our new email notification and response tool allows employers to respond quickly, which gives us information sooner and helps us make more accurate decisions.

Learn More on Online Job Separations

All businesses with employees operating in Colorado are required to have workers’ compensation insurance, regardless of the number of employees, whether the employees only work part-time or if they are members of the same family.

Learn More on Verifying Worker's Compensation Coverage

Verify your compliance with minimum wage, overtime, and pay laws and regulations.

Verify Your Compliance

Most government agencies provide their own posters online without cost. Use the "Colorado Employer Poster Advisor" for a general list of both state and federal posters.

View Employment Posters


Contact Us

Colorado Division of Unemployment Insurance | 303-318-9100 | Contact Us