WIOA - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Guidance Letters

PGL# Subject Released Revised Prior PGL #
WIOA-2020-05, Change 1

COVID-19 Emergency Policy Relief

  1. COVID-19 Virus WIOA Title I Self-Attestation Form
  2. CV Marker Code Guidance (new)
  3. FAQs for COVID-19 as of May 15, 2020 (new)
2020-04-01 2020-06-10

One-Stop Certification Criteria

1. One-Stop Certification Submission Requirements

WIOA-2020-03 Rapid Response Policy Guidance 2020-04-10


Change 1

PY20-23 Regional and Local Plans

  1. Regional/Local Plan Narrative Signature Sheet
  2. Regional/Local Plan Narrative Template
  3. Local Area Compliance Plan Signature Sheet
  4. Local Area Compliance Plan and Required Documents, rev. March 2020
  5. OMB Risk Assessment Questionnaire
2020-02-03 2020-03-20

WIOA Title I Transitional Jobs

  1. Transitional Jobs Procedures
WIOA-2019-03 WIOA Planning Region Update Process 2018-10-02
WIOA-2019-02 Change 1

WIOA Title I Credential Attainment Measure

  1. Procedures for Documenting Credential Attainment in Connecting Colorado
  2. Resource List of Acceptable Recognized Credentials
2018-09-11 2020-02-28
  1. PY16-19 Regional Local Plan Modification Signature Sheet
  2. PY19 Local Area Compliance Plan Signature Sheet
  3. PY19 Local Area Compliance Responses and Required Documents
  4. OMB Uniform Guidance Risk Assessment Form

Title I Customized Training

  1. Customized Training Procedures
WIOA-2018-04 Change 1
  1. Procedures Overview for Documenting Measurable Skill Gains in Connecting Colorado (rev. Oct 2018)
  2. Detailed Procedures for Documenting Measurable Skill Gains in Connecting Colorado
  3. NRS Test Benchmarks
2018-05-18 2018-10-08
WIOA-2018-02, Change 1 2018-02-15 2019-08-06
WIOA-2017-13 WIOA TItle I Needs-Related Payments 2017-12-20
WIOA-2017-12, Change 2 WIOA Title I Youth Incentive Payments 2017-12-20 2019-08-27
WIOA-2017-11 WIOA Title I Supportive Services 2017-12-20


Change 1

One Stop Operator Requirements

  1. One-Stop Operator Overview
  2. One-Stop Operator Checklist
  3. WIOA One-Stop Operator Regulations Side-by-Side (Draft and Final)
  4. Key USDOL Responses to Comments on the One-Stop Operator Regulations
2017-08-10 2020-03-02
WIOA-2017-08 Approval of Local Boards as One-Stop Operators 2017-06-01

Local Negotiations on Infrastructure Funding

  1. Infrastructure Negotiations Workbook Template
WIOA-2017-05, Change 1

Registered Apprenticeships in WIOA

  1. Federal Registered Apprenticeship Criteria and Standards
  2. Making Registered Apprenticeship Work for the Public Workforce System
2017-05-11 2017-10-10

Rapid Response Policy Guidance

  1. Layoff/WARN Field Descriptions and Guideline Questions
  2. Planning Meeting Outline
  3. Layoff Transition Workshop Outline
  4. Layoff Transition Workshop Sign-In Sheet
  5. Layoff Transition Onsite Workshop Evaluation Form
  6. Desk Aid: Smart Form Links and Definitions
  7. Desk Aid: Entering Rapid Response Services into Connecting Colorado
  8. Desk Aid: Delivering a One-On-One Rapid Response Service
  9. Desk Aid: Using the Storefront for Ordering Rapid Response Publications
  10. Employer Satisfaction Survey
  11. Layoff Aversion Plan Example
  12. UI Monthly Layoff Report Sample‚Äã

WIOA Program Evaluation

  1. Basic Definitions of Common Evaluation Terms
  2. Evaluation Plan Workbook Excerpt
  3. Evaluability Assessment Checklist
  4. Logic Model Workbook Excerpt
  5. Tool Selector
WIOA-2017-02, Change 1

WIOA Incumbent Worker Training

  1. Incumbent Worker Data Elements
2017-02-16 2017-09-20

Transfer of Funds Between Adult and Dislocated Worker Allocations

  1. Approval Process
WIOA-2016-08, Change 1

On-the-Job Training

  1. Sample Pre-Award Review Checklist
  2. Sample OJT Contract
2016-12-06 2017-01-06
WIOA-2016-07 Local Boards as Providers of Career Services 2016-11-23

WIOA Classroom Based Training and Work Based Learning Options – Interim Guidance

  1. Interim Guidance Chart
WIOA-2016-03, Change 1

WIOA State Infrastructure Funding Formula

  1. State Formula Steps
  2. Program Caps
  3. Statewide Formula Determining Factor
2016-06-01 2017-05-02
WIOA-2016-02, Change 2

WIOA One-Stop Partner Requirements and Access to Services

2016-03-24 2017-05-11

WIOA-2015-09, Change 2

Individual Training Accounts for WIOA Title I Programs‚Äã

2015-12-17 2018-10-01 15-15-WIOA
WIOA-2015-07, Change 3 Priority of Service for Title I Adult Programs 2015-09-03 2017-07-28 15-12-WIOA
WIOA-2015-06, Change 6

Eligible Training Providers for WIOA Title I Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs

  1. Required Performance Data‚Äã
2015-08-31 2020-05-31 15-10-WIOA

WIOA-2015-05, Change 4

WIOA TItle I Eligibility Guidelines

  1. Adult Program Eligibility, rev. April 2017
  2. Dislocated Worker Program Eligibility, rev. April 2017
  3. WIOA Youth Program Eligibility, rev. April 2020
  4. WIOA Grants Eligibility, rev. April 2017
  5. TEGL 22-04 - Serving Military Service Members and Military Spouses under the WIADislocated Worker Formula Grant
  6. TEGL 22-04, change 1 - Serving Military Service Members and Military Spousesunder the WIA Dislocated Worker Formula Grant
  7. TEGL 5-08, Policy for Collection and Use of Workforce System Participants’ Social Security Numbers (November 13, 2008)
  8. TEGL 11-11, Change 2 – Selective Service Registration Requirements forEmployment and Training Programs (May 16, 2012)
  9. TEGL 09-12, Services to Victims of Human Trafficking (October 24, 2012)
  10. TEGL 02-14, Eligibility of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Participants for WIA and Wagner-Peyser
  11. Using UI Notifications and Screens, rev. April 2017
  12. Samples of New Drivers’ Licenses and IDs, Rev. June 2016
  13. Connecting Colorado Supply and Demand Report for DW Eligibility
  14. Youth in Poverty Interactive Map, Rev. Oct. 2016
  15. Example Documentation for Spouses of Active Military Members
  16. WIOA TItle I Eligibility Q&,A, rev. Nov 2017

2015-07-28 2017-11-17 15-09-WIOA
WIOA-2015-04 Local Workforce Development Board Policies 2015-07-28 15-07-WIOA
WIOA-2015-01, Change 2

local Area Designation

  1. Performance Reporting Template
2015-04-01 2018-11-15 15-04-WIOA
WIOA/WIA-2014-02, Change 3

Guidelines for Affidavit of Immigration Status, Rev. June 2016

  1. Affidavit - English Version - Revised September 2015
  2. Affidavit - Spanish version
  3. SAVE Guide
2014-04-16 2016-06-21 14-05-WIA
WIOA/WIA-2003-01 Rapid Response Layoff Reserve Funds 2003-10-08 03-18-WIA