Legislative Resource Center


The Department submits multiple reports and responds to legislative requests for information. This resource center includes links to various department reports, bill fact sheets, and budget documents.

2023 Legislative Session
  • Initial 2023 Legislative Requests (link to PDF)
  • Initial 2023 Budget Requests - Decision Items (link to PDF)
  • Wagner-Peyser Proposal (link to PDF)
  • House Bill 23-1006: Employer Notice Of Income Tax Credits (link to PDF)
  • House Bill 23-1117: Affidavit Support Eligibility Public Benefits (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 23-051: Conforming Workforce Development Statutes (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 23-146: Colorado Apprenticeship Directory Information (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 23-231: Amend Fund To Allow Payment Overdue Wage Claims (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 23-232: Unemployment Insurance Premiums Allocation Federal Law Compliance (link to PDF)
  • Opposition to House Bill 23-1078, Unemployment Compensation Dependent Allowance (link to PDF)
  • Opposition Letter to the use of the Employment Support Fund (link to PDF)
  • Family and Medical Leave Insurance State Prepay Reduction (link to PDF)
  • Joint Technology Committee Presentation - December 2022 (link to PDF)
2022 Legislative Session
  • House Bill 22-1050, International Medical Graduate Integrate Health-care Workforce (link to PDF)
  • House Bill 22-1133, Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund (link to PDF)
  • House Bill 22-1305, Paid Family Medical Leave Premium Reduction (link to PDF)
  • House Bill 22-1394, Fund Just Transition Community and Worker Supports (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 22-140, Expansion of Experiential Learning Opportunities (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 22-165, Colorado Career Advisor Training Program (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 22-217, Programs That Benefit Persons With Disabilities (link to PDF)
  • Senate Bill 22-234, Unemployment Compensation (link to PDF)
  • Initial 2022 Legislative and Budget Requests (link to PDF)
  • FAMLI Q&A (link to PDF)
  • Connecting Colorado (link to PDF)
  • Consolidation of Public Safety Cash Funds (link to PDF)
JBC & Budget Presentations
  • 2021 Employment Support and Job Retention Services Program, Legislative Report (link to PDF)
  • Office of the Future of Work, Annual Report - December 2021 (link to PDF)
  • 2021 Colorado Talent Pipeline Report (link to PDF)
  • 2022 Workforce Development Programs Annual Report (link to PDF)
  • Trust Fund Status Report - August 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Colorado Veterans’ Service to Career Program Report - June 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Office of New Americans, Annual Report - November 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Colorado Talent Pipeline Report - December 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Strengthening Photovoltaic and Renewable Careers (SPARC) Report - November 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Annual Report - December 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Office of the Future of Work, Annual Report - December 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Office of Just Transition, Expenditure Report - November 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Office of New Americans, 2023 Annual Report (link to PDF)
  • Trust Fund Status Report - August 2023 (link to PDF)
  • Office of Just Transition, Expenditure Report - November 2023 (link to PDF)
  • Healthcare Staffing Agencies Report (Senate Bill 22-210) - December 2023 (link to PDF)
  • Office of Just Transition Report (House Bill 19-1314) - December 2023 (link to PDF)
SMART Act Hearings & Other Legislative Presentations
  • Capital Development Committee - December 2023 (link to PDF)
  • Joint Technology Committee - December 2023 (link to PDF)
  • Joint Technology Committee - June 2023 (link to PDF)
  • Joint Technology Committee - December 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Joint Technology Committee - January 2022 (link to PDF)
  • 2022 CDLE SMART Act Presentation - January 2022 (link to PDF)
  • Joint Technology Committee - August 2022 (link to PDF)
  • 2022 CDLE Performance Plan - July 2021 (link to PDF)