Regulatory/Rulemaking Resource Center

What is Rulemaking?

Rulemaking is the formal process by which state agencies create regulations or rules to implement and interpret statutes, and establish policies and procedures, consistent with rulemaking authority provided to state agencies by the Colorado General Assembly.

The rulemaking process is governed by a variety of statutes and guidance from other government entities that have roles and responsibilities in the process. The process involves engagement from various stakeholders to ensure interested parties have the opportunity to meaningfully engage in the discussion on proposed rules and regulations.

Additional Rulemaking Resources

CDLE rulemaking divisions work closely with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) and the Secretary of State (SOS). DORA is the state’s umbrella rulemaking agency and SOS maintains the Code of Colorado Regulations and manages rule filings for agencies. Please visit their websites to view regulations, the Colorado Register, rulemaking flowcharts, and any additional resources related to rulemaking in Colorado. You may also sign up to receive rulemaking notices from SOS or DORA on their websites.

What Rulemaking happens at CDLE?

CDLE has five rulemaking divisions - Unemployment Insurance, Workers’ Compensation, Oil & Public Safety, the Division of Labor Law & Statistics, and the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Division. Find more information about each rulemaking division using the links below.

Labor Law Statistics
Oil & Public Safety
Unemployment Insurance
Worker’s Compensation
Family and Medical Leave Insurance
Office of the Future of Work