Division Independent Medical Examination (DIME)


You are strongly encouraged to send documents, reports, etc. via email to cdle_IMEunit@state.co.us or e-fax to 303-318-8659. To help facilitate a timely response, please avoid sending documents by mail. 

A Division Independent Medical Examination (DIME) is required if there is a dispute between the injured worker and the insurance carrier concerning the maximum medical improvement date (MMI) or the impairment rating and the parties wish to bring this dispute before a judge.

This process was established to reduce litigation and to provide an alternative way to address disputes involving MMI and impairment. Because impairment is an issue in the dispute, a Level II-accredited physician must perform the examination. If the parties cannot agree upon a physician, the Division will select an independent medical examiner based on an application submitted by the party who objects to the impairment rating or statement of MMI.



DIME Resources

Please do not alter any existing content or formatting within these documents. Any party that edits the existing contents and/or formatting of these documents will receive an Incomplete Notice.

DIME Transformation Project

All updates regarding the DIME Transformation Project will be posted on the DOWC Updates page. Please visit that page to stay informed about the project's progress.

Please Note: The forms in this section are solely intended for DIMEs with any Notice and Proposal and Application with a Certificate of Mailing dated prior to January 1, 2019.

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Contact Us

Division of Workers' Compensation
Division Independent Medical Exam Unit
633 17th Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80202
303-318-8659 (Fax)