Designating a Medical Provider


In non-emergency situations or when emergency care is no longer required, you must provide the injured worker with a designated provider list. 

A designated provider list must:

  • be provided immediately upon notice of the injury;
  • be provided as a written copy to the injured worker within seven business days of the report of the injury;
  • have four physicians and/or corporate medical providers within a 30-mile radius that are willing to treat the injured worker; and
    • Exceptions can apply to rural areas, and telemedicine is permissible.
  • include complete contact information for the insurance carrier/self-insured employer.

If no physician is properly designated, the employee may select the health care provider of their choice.


  • The Notice to Employer of Injury Poster must be displayed on the workplace premises, and legislation requires it to be at least 14 inches high and 11 inches wide. Each letter must measure 1/2" high.


Contact Us

Division of Workers' Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
1-888-390-7936 (Toll-Free)