Interpretive Notice and Formal Opinions (INFOs) and Other Published Guidance

Select the tabs below to view each kind of published guidance from the Division:

  • INFO: (Interpretive Notices and Formal Opinions) — the Division’s officially approved notices, opinions, and explanations on various labor law topics.
  • KNOWLEDGE: (Knowledge for Workers on Labor Law is Empowering & Drives Good Employment) — one-page summaries for employees on their labor rights.
  • Other published guidance — public notices, reports, and other releases from the Division.

Haga clic en las pestañas siguientes para ver cada tipo de orientación publicada por la División:

  • INFO:(Avisos interpretativos y opiniones formales) los avisos, opiniones y explicaciones aprobados oficialmente por la División sobre varios temas de derecho laboral.
  • Conocimiento (El conocimiento para los trabajadores sobre la legislación laboral empodera e impulsa el buen empleo)-- resumenes de una pagina para los empleados sobre sus derechos laborales.
  • Otras orientaciones publicadas— avisos públicos, informes y otros comunicados de la División.

Interpretive Notice & Formal Opinions (INFOs)

INFO #Title & TopicLast UpdateVersión en Español
1Colorado Overtime & Minimum Pay Standards Order (COMPS Order)11/18/2024Derechos y responsabilidades clave sobre salarios y horas en Colorado: las órdenas COMPS y PAY CALC
1AThe Executive, Administrative, and Professional Exemptions from the Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards Order (“COMPS”)07/12/2021N/A
2Summary: The Division Wage Claim Investigation, Appeals, and Enforcement Process07/12/2023Resumen: El proceso de investigación de reclamos de sueldos, apelaciones y ejecución de la División
2AThe Wage Claim Investigation Process10/20/2023Proceso de investigación de reclamos de sueldos
2BOrders of Wages, Penalties, Fines, and Consequences for Non-Compliance08/01/2023N/A
2CAppeals of Determinations that Compliance Investigators Issue after Finishing Investigations08/22/2023Apelaciones de las determinaciones que los investigadores de cumplimiento emiten una vez finalizadas las investigaciones
2DEnforcement: Certified Copies; Administrative Liens and Levies05/05/2023N/A
3Summary: “Wages” and “Compensation” under Colorado Wage Law07/11/2023N/A
3ATiming of Wage Payments & Required Record-Keeping07/11/2023N/A
3BPermissible and Impermissible Methods of Payment07/11/2023N/A
3CTips (Gratuities) and Tipped Employees Under Colorado Wage Law12/08/2023N/A
3DCommissions and Bonuses07/11/2023N/A
3EPayment of Earned Vacation upon Separation of Employment05/29/2024N/A
4Meal and Rest Periods03/23/2022N/A
5Summary: Retaliation for Interference Against Exercising Labor Rights02/15/2024N/A


What's "Retaliation" or "Interference": What Activity is Protected? What Acts are Illegal?




Compliance Duties: Notify Workers of Their Rights; No Unlawful Waivers or Restrictions




Complaints, Investigations, Remedies as to Retaliation or Interference



6Summary: Paid Leave under Colorado’s Healthy Families & Workplaces Act (“HFWA”)07/19/2023Ausencia Pagada bajo el Acta de Familias y Lugares de Trabajos Saludables de Colorado
6APaid Leave Under the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, through December 31, 202003/29/2022N/A
6BPaid Leave under the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (“HFWA”)05/29/2024


6CDifferences & Overlap Between Colorado’s Two Paid Leave Laws: The Healthy Families & Workplaces Act (“HFWA”), and the Family & Medical Leave Insurance (“FAMLI”) Program11/17/2023


7Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Parents09/05/2023N/A
8Equal Pay by Sex: The Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, Part 112/27/2024N/A
9Hiring & Screening: What Employers Must Disclose, & Information They Must Not Ask or Use12/08/2023N/A


Transparency in Pay and Job Opportunities: The Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, Part 2

Prior version: For postings/notices before 1/1/24, when amendments to the Act took effect.




Restrictions on Age Information in Job Applications: the Job Application Fairness Act ("JAFA")




Limits on Criminal History Screening of Applicants: Colorado Chance to Compete




Accessing Consumer Credit Information: The Colorado Employment Opportunity Act




Access to Personal Social Media: Colorado Social Media and the Workplace Law



10Who Is and Isn't an Employee09/01/2023N/A
11AIndividual Liability under the Colorado Wage Act (CWA) and Healthy Families and Workplaces Act (HFWA)06/30/2021N/A
12Summary: Requirements of the Agricultural Labor Rights & Responsibilities Act (ALRRA)12/27/2024


12AOvertime and Minimum Wage Obligations for Agricultural Employment12/27/2024


12BAgricultural Employee Rest Periods, Meal Periods, and Service Provider Access10/11/2022Períodos de descanso, períodos de comida y acceso a los proveedores de servicios para los empleados agrícolas
12CLabor Conditions for Agricultural Work: Heat Protection; Short-Handled Tool & Hand-Weeding/Thinning Limits; Public Health Emergency Protections05/20/2024Condiciones Laborales para el Trabajo Agrícola: Protección del calor; Límites de uso de las herramientas de mango corto y de deshierbe/desahije manual; Protecciones de emergencia de salud pública
12DEnforcement: Scope of Coverage; Notice of Rights; Protected Activity & Retaliation; Complaints & Remedies12/27/2024


13Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Program Requirements for Public Projects


14INFO #14 moved to 3EN/AN/A
15ALabor Relations Rules and Procedures Under Colorado State Law10/21/2022N/A
15BThe Collective Bargaining by County Employees Act ("COBCA")01/09/2025N/A
15CSpeech and Organizing Rights for Government Employees under the Protections for Public Workers Act ("PROPWA")12/27/2024N/A
16Deductions From, and Credits Towards, Employee Pay12/23/2022Deducciones y Créditos hacia el Pago del Empleado
17#17 Moved to #3DN/AN/A
18#18 moved to #2CN/A


19Local Government Authority to Set Local Minimum Wages11/18/2024N/A
20Summary: Time Worked That Must Be Paid under Colorado Law12/08/2023


20AWhat Is and Isn’t “Time Worked” That Must Be Paid under Colorado Law12/08/2023N/A
20BWhat’s Owed for “Time Worked” for Different Types of Pay, Hourly and Non-Hourly12/08/2023N/A
20CWhat Travel Time and Sleep Time Is and Isn’t “Time Worked” That Must Be Paid12/08/2023N/A
21Reporting Required by Supplemental Health-Care Staffing Agencies04/02/24N/A
22Employment of Minors in Colorado12/31/2024N/A
23ADelivery Network Companies (DNCs): Driver Rights and Labor Transparency



23BTransportation Network Companies (TNCs): Driver Rights and Labor Transparency



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