Governor's Summer Job Hunt


Young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 are eligible to participate in the Summer Job Hunt. Economic circumstances are not a consideration for program registrants. Proof of age and citizenship are required. This is a free referral service to young adults and employers. Other employment and educational opportunities may be available for qualified youth.

Young adults interested in employment can go to any of the Workforce Center offices located throughout the State. These offices are a place where young people can meet with an employment specialist, who will assist them with job search activities and referrals.


Job Tips

  • During Your Job Search: Use your network (friends, family, neighbors) or try applying somewhere you like to shop or eat at.
  • Before an Interview: Let your references know you’re interviewing and visit the company's website to learn about their mission, vision, and values.
  • Present Yourself Well: Pay attention to your hygiene, and dress for a level above the job. Iron your clothes, avoid fragrances, and don't wear jewelry.
  • At the Interview: Show up 15 minutes early and introduce yourself. Be sure to send a thank you note or email within a day.
  • Questions: Be prepared and think about the questions your interviewer may ask. Consider writing a list of questions after viewing their website and learning about who they are.
