Trade Adjustment Assistance


What is TAA?

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program provides a variety of benefits for workers who have lost their jobs due to foreign competition and their company has been certified as being trade impacted by the US Department of Labor (USDOL). Possible benefits include retraining, job search assistance, relocation assistance, extensions of Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits and/or a wage subsidy if you are 50 years of age or older and start a full time job that pays less than your trade certified employment.

You can also apply for individual entitlement on the TAA program page. Once you receive your individual entitlement, you will be required to work with a TAA counselor through the Workforce Center to apply for and receive TAA benefits. This program has strict deadlines. If these deadlines are not met, you can lose portions of your TAA benefits. Please contact your local TAA counselor for more information on these deadlines.

Steps to Apply

Step 1:
Find out if your company is certified or eligible for the TAA program.

Visit USDOL Website

Step 2:
Apply for your TAA Individual Entitlement.

TAA Application

Step 3: 
Contact a TAA counselor at your local workforce center to apply for Individual Eligibility for TAA benefits.

Contact a Workforce Center


For questions about the TAA or TRA program, please contact:

Email: cdle_tra_program@state.co.us