Training for Youth

Types of Training for Eligible Youth

Youth with education and employment goals that are motivated and need to learn job readiness and occupational skills may be eligible for assistance through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program. Youth program participants work with a counselor to create a plan for success and work to improve their reading and math skills.

  • GED Preparation/Support to achieve a High School
  • Diploma Tutoring Assistance
  • Summer Employment Opportunities
  • Paid or Unpaid Internships
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Leadership Activities
  • Supportive Services
  • Adult Mentoring
  • Learning work-search and workplace success skills
  • Referrals to jobs and educational opportunities
  • 12 months of follow-up assistance after program participation is completed

In order to participate you must be:
Between 14-24 years old, live in a low income family, and have one or more challenges.

Challenges that qualify::

  • Deficient in math or reading skills
  • Misdemeanor or felony record 
  • Documented disability
  • School drop-out
  • Homeless/runaway
  • Pregnant or parenting
  • In foster care

Documentation of these criteria is required. 

What is a Workforce Center?

Colorado Workforce Centers provide a variety of free services to assist Job Seekers. A sample of the types of services they provide are listed below:

  • Resources: Computer, internet, phone, fax and copier access
  • Career counseling and training
  • Workshops and classes to assist with: creating/updating résumés, interview preparation, the application process, computer literacy, labor market information
  • Information on Veterans Program Services
  • Training, Classes, Resources for Youth, Veterans and other groups 
  • Job Fairs - Virtual & in-person
  • Customers can choose either self-service or staff-assisted options to meet their employment needs.

To learn more about how Workforce Center staff help Youth with training and employment, contact your local Workforce Center.

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