Career Ready Certificate

The CareerReady Colorado Certificate is an assessment tool available through a number of local workforce centers. This assessment-based credential, signed by Governor Jared Polis, certifies a job seeker's skills. The certificate creates objective standards for employment readiness and demonstrates a job seeker's mastery of the work-applied skills employers are seeking. Attaining a CareerReady Colorado (CRC) Certificate gives you an advantage for employment by demonstrating that you've already attained many of the necessary skills an employer is looking for.

The CareerReady Colorado certificate is available in four levels:

  • Bronze 
  • Silver 
  • Gold 
  • Platinum 


To earn a certificate, you must pass WorkKeys assessments in:

  • Applied Math, 
  • Workplace Documents, and 
  • Graphic Literacy.

How To Get Started

Find a CareerReady Certificate Administrator from the listing of Career Ready Colorado Certificate contacts through the Colorado Workforce Center regions or make an appointment to have your skills evaluated at a participating Workforce Center.

Find a Workforce Center

Individuals who are not ready to pass the WorkKeys assessments may take free, online training to improve their skills. KeyTrain, an ACT-approved training program designed to prepare individuals to pass the WorkKeys assessments, is available in some Colorado Workforce Centers, and job seekers may use it at no cost to help them reach certification goals.