What is a Division Independent Medical Examination (DIME)?
A DIME is requested if there is a dispute between the injured worker and the insurance carrier concerning the maximum medical improvement date (MMI) and/or the impairment rating. A DIME aims to resolve disputes without going to court. A DIME can be requested by the injured worker or the insurance carrier.

The Division of Workers’ Compensation (DOWC) is pleased to share that an updated Rule 11: Division Independent Medical Examination (DIME) has been adopted, effective April 1, 2025. The changes to Rule 11 are intended to further improve the efficiency and fairness of the DIME process and help retain DIME Physicians.
To help streamline the process, the DOWC has contracted with a vendor to develop a modern system that will allow it to generate medical record packets. This system represents a significant step forward in modernizing the DIME process, ensuring accuracy, accessibility, consistency, and improved service for all participants. The benefits of this system include faster processing times, reduced errors, and improved data security. You may visit the Improvements to the DIME Process document to learn more. In the coming months, additional resources and training opportunities will be shared via email.
Contact the DIME Unit
If you need access to previous versions of forms or rules that have since been archived, please email your request to cdle_IMEunit@state.co.us. If you're seeking additional information on potential DIME program updates, please visit the DOWC's DIME Transformation web page.
Division of Workers' Compensation
Division Independent Medical Exam Unit
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-318-8655