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Within 10 working days of your injury, you should let your employer know about the injury. This must be done in writing. If you were injured more than 10 days ago, you should still notify your employer in writing as soon as possible.
Injured workers are also encouraged to report their injuries directly to the Division of Workers' Compensation using the Workers' Claim for Compensation form (WC 15).
Employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance if they have one or more employees operating in Colorado. This applies to all employers, regardless of whether the employees are part-time, full-time, or family members. Anyone who gets paid for the work they perform is presumed to be an employee. There are a few exceptions to this requirement. The most common exception is independent contractors; however, there are very specific requirements for a worker to be considered an independent contractor. You may consider speaking with an attorney to understand whether you should be covered by an employer's workers' compensation policy.
Injured Worker Resources
Additional resources for injured workers:
Contact Us
Division of Workers' Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
1-888-390-7936 (Toll-Free)
Email Customer Service at
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