Self-Represented (Pro Se) Claimants


How are we doing?

A self-represented (Pro Se) Claimant is an individual who chooses to represent themselves in a legal proceeding without the help of an attorney. Although the majority of workers' compensation claims close without needing litigation, it is important to understand that resolving some of the more complex issues may be facilitated through an attorney, who is well-versed in Colorado workers' compensation law. 

If you choose to represent yourself at a hearing, you will be held to the same standard as an attorney practicing workers' compensation law and will be expected to have knowledge of the law, rules, and timelines of workers' compensation in this state.

View the recently updated Self-Representation Brochure in English. View the Spanish version Folleto para Autorrepresentación.

Pro Se Settlement Advisement

This section contains information concerning some of the rights you give up when you settle your case on a full and final basis. View a voice and text presentation (PowerPoint) or text document (PDF) below.

Esta sección contiene información sobre algunos de los derechos a los que usted renuncia cuando llega a un acuerdo completo y definitivo en su caso. A continuación ver una presentación audiovisual de PowerPoint por video o por escrito, o en formato escrito PDF.

Uniform Settlement Agreements ("USAs")

This section contains links to the Uniform Settlement Agreement form and frequently asked questions about that form.

The following information is provided for your convenience. You may also contact Customer Service for information.



Contact Us

Division of Workers' Compensation
633 17th Street, Suite 400
Denver, CO 80202
1-888-390-7936 (Toll-Free)